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Restore skin, from the inside out

Skin Resurfacing IPL

About IPL Facial

Everyone wears their history on their face – from hours spent outside to stress from a job. Most men don’t consider facials a necessary part of their skincare routine. But the difference between a facial and a deep scrub with drugstore soap is like that between the minor and major league.

You can scrub your face every day and still not see the benefits you would get from the IPL facial. The Intense Pulsed Light facial – or IPL facial – is a revolutionary laser skin rejuvenation treatment offered by Stadia Medical Spa in San Antonio, TX. It resurfaces the skin to reduce the signs of aging and improves skin vitality.

The IPL photofacial for men is an easy way to care for your face and gain confidence for a lifetime. Keep reading to learn more about the IPL facial, including procedure details, benefits, and more! 

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What is IPL Facial for Men?

The Intense Pulse Laser facial is also called a photofacial because it uses light to correct blemishes and reverse the signs of aging. The IPL facial for men can treat and resurface the skin. It uses a revolutionary fractional laser device called Lutronic LaseMD ULTRA™.

The LaseMD fractional laser produces intense wavelengths of light that heat the skin’s surface. The heat travels down deep columns called microthermal treatment zones. It stimulates collagen production to heal the skin from the inside out.

The Lutronic LaseMD ULTRA™ produces fast and consistent results. The resurfacing is virtually pain-free, and you can get back to your routine directly following your procedure with little maintenance. Several photofacials can create smoother, healthier-looking skin over time, with fewer signs of scarring or sun damage.

Skin resurfacing ipl San Antonio Stadia for Men treatment

Benefits of IPL Facial for Men

The primary benefit of the IPL facial for men is fewer facial wrinkles, scars, and discoloration. But a photofacial has many benefits besides better skin.

The light heats the surface of the skin and stimulates collagen production. Collagen production slows with age, and less collagen means more fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. When you increase the collagen in the skin, you improve skin elasticity and make it appear fuller.

The LaseMD ULTRA™ laser increases skin’s permeability to help it absorb anti-aging serums and other hydrating products without harming the integrity of your skin’s structure.

The pulsing light can also help with acne and prevent acne scarring. The light kills harmful bacteria on the face and reduces inflammation on and beneath the skin’s surface.

Several IPL photofacials may result in shedding. The new skin will have fewer blemishes, lighter scars, and less sun damage. You essentially start fresh with a new layer of skin.

Facials are a powerful form of skin care for men when used preventatively. You can prevent fine lines and wrinkles, remove new and old scars, and stop acne breakouts and scarring.

Before, During & After

What to Expect

The first step is your free consultation.

Contact Stadia MedSpa for a free consultation before you schedule an IPL facial. During your consultation, a Stadia Med Spa provider will examine your skin and any potential treatment areas for sun damage, wrinkles, pigment irregularities, and scars.

You should feel free to ask questions about the IPL facial procedure and recovery. Be sure to bring a list of your current medications, herbal supplements, and prescriptions. Certain medications interfere with the photofacial experience because they make you sensitive to light.

Before Treatment

Two weeks before your IPL facial, you need to protect your skin from sunlight and stop self-tanning practices. Any change in skin pigment may affect the results of your treatment because the laser can’t distinguish between newly tanned skin and blemishes you want to be removed.

Call to reschedule if you have any active infections or acne flare-ups on the day of your treatment. Avoid anti-inflammatory medications before your IPL facial because they can increase your risk of bruising. Smoking is dangerous before an IPL facial – stop at least six weeks before your treatment.

During Treatment

The IPL facial is fast and usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes. You will be provided with protective eye shields.

Most patients feel a slight warming of the skin and mild discomfort during treatment. It may feel like snapping a rubber band on the skin or scratching a sunburn. The skin may appear red and swollen during and after the laser treatment.

Your Stadia Med Spa provider will adjust the intensity of the laser’s wavelength to address your specific concerns. A gentle treatment will feel warm and tingling. A more intense treatment might be mildly uncomfortable.

Your comfort and safety are a priority for Stadia Med Spa – let us know if you have any concerns or questions before your treatment!

After Treatment

An IPL photofacial may cause the skin to feel sunburned and sensitive. You can use ice packs to ease pain or redness following your treatment. Your skin may be blotchy, swollen, or red for several hours or even days after your facial.

Scented lotions, exfoliants, and aggressive scrubbing will irritate your sensitive skin for a few days after your treatment. Freckles and sunspots will seem dark after your treatment but will gently flake off within one to three weeks. Contact Stadia MedSpa if your symptoms persist or worsen in the two weeks after your appointment.

IPL Skin Resurfacing

Frequently Asked Questions

The IPL facial for men is a laser facial treatment that uses non-ablative fractional technology to resurface the skin on your face. The LaseMD produces wavelengths of light that stimulate collagen production. The IPL facial can treat fine lines and wrinkles, reduce blemishes, and stimulate collagen production for clear and clean skin. 

Men who will benefit from the IPL facial with LaseMD will show early signs of aging, acne scarring, or sun damage. This treatment is appropriate for a variety of skin tones and types. Contact Stadia MedSpa to schedule your free consultation to find out if the IPL photofacial can help with your skin concerns. 

The IPL facial will not have immediate results. Visible results will appear about a week after your treatment, but it may take 3 to 6 months to see the full effects. You may need multiple treatments to meet your skincare goals – Stadia Med Spa may recommend between 4 and 6 treatment sessions for optimal results. 

The IPL facial for men has mild side effects and little discomfort. Redness, dryness, mild pain, and swelling are the most common symptoms. Most symptoms subside quickly, and you can get back to your normal life the same day. 

The IPL facial for men has long-lasting results. You will see improvements to the skin for up to 6 months as the collagen levels in your skin gradually increase. Regular visits to Stadia Med Spa will ensure your results last indefinitely. 

The average cost of a single photofacial is between $200 and $425. Most people need several IPL facials to get optimal results. Stadia MedSpa recommends between 4 and 6. The cost could be anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000.

Contact Stadia Med Spa office to schedule a free consultation for a more accurate estimate. 

The IPL facial is safe. LaseMD is an FDA-approved laser for skin resurfacing. Cosmetic procedures with fractional lasers tend to have fewer side effects and risks than ablative lasers, which ensures a safe and effective method for skin enhancement.

Stadia Med Spa’s physicians have extensive experience with the LaseMD laser and will use their expertise to customize your treatment, for a safe and effective procedure. 

Your treatment course will depend on your goals and the intensity of the laser wavelengths. For gentle procedures, about 4 to 6 photofacials will ensure optimal results. Deeper treatments may produce a result in a single session. 

Contact Stadia Medical Spa

The IPL facial for men resurfaces the skin to reverse the signs of aging and remove acne scars and blemishes. If you want to refresh your skin and gain confidence for a lifetime, Stadia MedSpa in San Antonio, TX, is an experienced provider using the most up-to-date technology. Optimize your skincare with a few simple treatments.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa or call 210-881-6270.

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