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Acne Laser Treatment

About Acne Treatment

Over-the-counter acne products were created to be part of a skincare routine. When used regularly, they control acne breakouts and support healthy skin.

But not every man wants to invest the time, energy, and cash into over-the-counter acne treatments. Plus, over-the-counter products usually do not address the underlying inflammation and build-up that causes regular acne breakouts.

Laser therapy is not a new technology, but many men aren’t aware of how effective it can be for treating acne breakouts and scarring. Stadia Med Spa uses the LaseMD laser for men’s acne treatment. The laser therapy procedure can remove bacterial infections, reduce swelling, and prevent excess oil production to get rid of stubborn acne and prevent future flare-ups.

Acne treatment at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, is designed to improve your skin’s health and give you confidence for a lifetime. Not only will you see less inflammation, but your blackheads and whiteheads will be a thing of the past.

Keep reading to learn more about acne treatments for men at Stadia Med Spa, including procedure details, benefits, and more. 

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What is Acne Treatment with LaseMD?

Acne treatment for men with the LaseMD laser is a non-invasive skincare treatment. The non-ablative laser creates intense wavelengths of light that heat the skin’s surface. It stimulates collagen production, an essential protein for skin health.

The treatment is safe for any area of the body but is commonly used on the face, neck, chest, back, arms, and shoulders. It lessens the appearance of acne scars and kills off any bacterial infections in the skin which may be causing regular breakouts. Many men see a dramatic improvement in overall skin health after acne therapy with LaseMD.

Acne treatment with LaseMD also incorporates a resveratrol serum. The laser creates microchannels in the skin, which allows the serum to penetrate deep underneath the skin’s surface.

The Benefits of Acne Treatment with LaseMD

LaseMD acne treatment helps to control acne or cystic acne breakouts. It also treats mild to severe acne scarring, gets rid of blackheads and whiteheads, and reduces post-inflammatory pigmentation.

LaseMD is a skin resurfacing treatment that stimulates the production of two essential skin proteins – collagen and elastin production. When you are young, collagen and elastin are abundant in the skin. But as you age, their production decreases, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging, and uneven skin tone.

While LaseMD is an effective treatment for acne and acne scarring, it also rejuvenates your skin by increasing collagen and elastin. You will leave Stadia Med Spa with clearer skin which will outlast any over-the-counter acne solution.

The acne treatment for men isn’t complete without LaseMD’s resveratrol serum. The RS Ampoule delivers a potent dose of resveratrol deep into the skin. It pools in the reservoirs created by laser therapy to start healing the skin from the inside out.

Resveratrol is used in many skincare remedies because it neutralizes free radicals and supplies the skin with an abundance of antioxidants. Because of this, RS Ampoule is a powerful anti-aging serum. It also reduces inflammation from acne and cystic acne.

Together, LaseMD and the RS Ampoule combine detox and resurfacing in one simple procedure. Keep reading to learn more about the acne treatment procedure.

Before, During & After

What to Expect

The first step is your free consultation.

Start your acne treatment at Stadia Med Spa with a free consultation. You will meet with one of Stadia’s experienced professionals to determine if LaseMD is the ideal treatment for minor acne breakouts and scarring.

Your provider will examine the treatment area and give your essential details about the procedure. If you have any questions or concerns, the consultation is a great time to ask.

Your provider will also use the consultation to give you a realistic idea of what you can expect from your acne treatment with LaseMD and may suggest additional treatments to ensure you meet your skincare goals.

Before Treatment

Before your acne treatment, stay out of direct sunlight to prevent any changes in the skin’s pigmentation. If you have any active infections in the treatment area on the day of your appointment, you should call Stadia MedSpa to reschedule.

Advise your Stadia Med Spa provider if you take any prescriptions, medications, or herbal supplements as they may interfere with the treatment and results. In particular, medications that make you sensitive to light, such as antihistamines and anti-inflammatories should be discontinued before LaseMD procedures. Always consult your doctor before stopping prescribed medications.

During Treatment

Acne treatments for men at Stadia Med Spa typically take between 30 and 60 minutes. You should expect mild discomfort, similar to that of snapping a rubber band on the skin or scratching a sunburn.

Your Stadia Med Spa provider will pass the laser over the surface of your skin. The laser’s intensity will depend on the treatment area and type of treatment. Most men do not require any topical anesthetics or pain-controlling agents.

The number of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. It will depend on the size of your treatment area and the severity of your blemishes. Before your treatment, your provider will go over your skin type, concerns, and goals to come up with a personalized treatment plan to help you meet your unique goals.

After Treatment

Acne treatments with LaseMD require little to no downtime. You may feel like you have a sunburn – a light burning or tenderness of the treated skin. Stadia Med Spa recommends ice packs or aloe vera to ease discomfort during recovery.

Avoid lotions, exfoliates, and excessive scrubbing for a few days. You should moisturize with unscented medical-grade lotions and gently pat the skin dry after washing.

Acne Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Acne treatment for men is a laser resurfacing treatment that targets acne scars and breakouts. The LaseMD laser stimulates collagen production to create a younger-looking, even skin tone. The treatment also uses a powerful anti-aging serum to protect and nourish the skin from the inside out. 

Men of any age or skin type are candidates for acne treatment with LaseMD. The laser resurfacing technique can prevent breakouts and reduce the appearance of acne scars. Skin resurfacing also addresses sun damage, fine lines or wrinkles, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. Men who receive skin resurfacing with LaseMD should expect healthier, younger-looking skin with this simple, non-invasive procedure. 

Most men notice an immediate difference in the health of their skin. Scars, spots, and wrinkles will improve in the first few days after your acne treatment. However, the final results will only be visible after a couple of weeks. Your skin gradually builds up collagen and elastin to smooth out wrinkles and reduce the appearance of acne scars. 

Acne treatment with LaseMD is an FDA-approved laser resurfacing therapy with few side effects. The most common side effects are mild and temporary. They include redness, dryness, peeling, and sensitivity. Most symptoms resolve themselves within a few days – revealing the fresh, healthy skin underneath. 

The results from LaseMD acne therapy should last between 3 to 12 months. The longevity of your results will vary based on your skin’s ability to hold onto the newly generated collagen. You may need regular visits to Stadia Med Spa to maintain your results. 

The cost of your acne treatment at Stadia Med Spa will vary depending on how many visits you need. Most men need between 3 and 6 visits to treat moderate to severe acne scarring. Mild acne scarring may be resolved in 1 or 2 visits. On average, each treatment will cost about $500. 

Contact Stadia Medical Spa

Men with acne or cystic acne should consider acne treatments with LaseMD at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX. The gentle resurfacing technology treats acne breakouts from the inside. It can prevent future breakouts, reduce inflammation, remove acne scarring, and give you confidence for a lifetime.

Remove stubborn acne scars and improve skin health with acne treatments at Stadia Med Spa. Contact us to schedule a free consultation or call 210-881-6270

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