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Are Dermal Fillers for Men?


Dermal fillers are an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment. Celebrities have become the unwitting poster children for fillers – their duck lips and perpetually young faces are usually the results of dermal fillers, Botox, or both. But are dermal fillers for men?

In short – yes, dermal fillers are for men. They are a safe and effective treatment for anybody who wants to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, improve their facial contour, or add volume to their face. In fact, dermal fillers are one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic treatments for men.

Keep reading to learn how men can use dermal fillers and why this cosmetic treatment is increasingly popular among younger generations of men!

What are Dermal Fillers for Men?

Dermal fillers are cosmetic injectables often made from a substance called hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid creates volume in your face.

This naturally occurring substance is easily broken down by the body, which negates many of the potential side effects and risks. The injectables also contain a stabilizing substance to keep your body from breaking down the filler too soon.

While dermal fillers aren’t permanent, they can have results that last a year or more. Fillers are most often used on the lips, cheeks, chin, jawline, and cheekbones.

What Makes Men’s Skin Unique?

Men often seem to age at a different rate than women. When they are teens, they somehow seem younger than their years. Then they hit adulthood, and their look doesn’t change much until they reach their 60s and 70s.

The reality is that men’s skin has unique qualities that make their skin age slower than women’s. High levels of testosterone make their skin naturally thicker. Men also have more collagen and elastin – two essential proteins for full and healthy skin.

Of course, excessive sun exposure, smoking, a poor diet, and other lifestyle factors can level the playing field over time. But the point is that men have different needs when it comes to cosmetic skin treatments.

Dermal fillers are no exception. While the same fillers are used for men and women, the way fillers are used for men may be a bit different.

5 Ways Men Can Use Dermal Fillers

Everyone gets wrinkles when collagen production slows down after age 25, and smoothing out wrinkles is one of the top uses for fillers. But removing the signs of aging is only one way dermal fillers are used on men.

In general, men focus on creating natural changes versus hyperreal results. Duck lips are one example of hyperreal results that may make men think dermal fillers are not the right treatment for them.

Many men associate dermal fillers with wrinkles and plump lips, but those aren’t the only uses of fillers. Dermal fillers have a variety of uses, and your provider can take a more conservative approach to make your results as natural as possible.

Here are five ways men can use dermal fillers that may not have occurred to you.

Create a Stronger Jawline

Many men are self-conscious about a weak chin or undefined jawline. Fillers injected into the chin and jaw can create a stronger jaw, so you no longer have to hide your jaw behind a beard!

Improve Your Profile

Fillers can also create a more appealing and defined profile. The experienced professionals at Stadia Med Spa will evaluate your profile to see which areas could use more volume. They may add fillers to your jaw, nose, cheekbones, or forehead to create a more balanced profile overall.

Adjust the Shape of Your Nose

Sometimes, dermal fillers can temporarily provide the same results as a surgical nose job. This “nonsurgical nose job” adds to the contour and shape of your nose to get rid of humps, straighten a crooked nose, or add volume to the nasal tip.

Keep in mind that fillers always add volume. So, if you are concerned that your nose is too large or want to reshape it by taking away cartilage/fat, a more traditional nose job is still going to be your best option. But small adjustments to the shape of your nose are certainly possible with fillers.

Make Your Face More Symmetrical

Everyone has small asymmetries on their face. Maybe they have a crooked smile, or one eye seems bigger than the other. Dermal fillers are often used to correct facial asymmetries to create better overall facial aesthetics.

Get Rid of Unwanted Wrinkles

Fillers are especially effective at removing fine lines and wrinkles. They smooth the line between your eyebrows, lessen the nasal labial fold, and even reduce Crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes. But not only are fillers effective for visible facial wrinkles, but they can also improve loose wrinkled skin in the neck that causes a turkey neck.

Why Millennial Men Love Fillers

The market for cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers is growing, and the reason is not so surprising. Millennials and the generations that follow them are spending an increasing amount of time in front of a camera. Whether it’s a photo on Instagram or a video on Youtube, this generation knows exactly how they look on camera.

Dermal fillers are one of the most common cosmetic treatments among men and women in their 20s and 30s, alongside Botox and microdermabrasion.

Millennials are also one of the first generations to actively participate in preventative cosmetic treatments. They know what age does to your appearance and they are more likely to try a treatment that will prevent it.

Fillers don’t prevent your skin from aging, but if you start using them when you are young, you can avoid the appearance of wrinkles altogether.

Book at Stadia Med Spa

If you were wondering – are dermal fillers for men? – the answer is a decisive yes! Whether you want to change the shape of your nose or get a more defined jawline, dermal fillers can make a surprising difference!

Improve confidence in your appearance and get the look you’ve always wanted with dermal fillers. Contact Stadia Med Spa to schedule a free consultation today!
