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About CoolSculpting

Most men don’t want surgery to get rid of fat and start a fat loss plan that includes changing their diet and exercising more. At the bare minimum, it takes between 6 and 12 weeks to start to see fat loss from regular exercise. But years in the gym may not yield the results you want.

CoolSculpting® for men is a cosmetic treatment that gets rid of stubborn body fat. This innovative treatment can get rid of the fat layer hiding your abs, reduce the appearance of love handles, and reveal toned legs or arms. The non-invasive procedure freezes fat away using precise cooling technology called cryolipolysis.

CoolSculpting® for men at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, can help remove stubborn fat with little to no downtime and give you confidence for a lifetime. Keep reading to learn more about CoolSculpting®, including how it works, procedure details, and more! 

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We’re here to help. Schedule your complimentary consultation or same-day appointment today. Call 210-881-6270

Coolsculpting San Antonio Stadia for Men Treatment photo

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® freezes and eliminates fat cells with cryolipolysis. The non-surgical procedure uses a cooling applicator to deliver controlled cooling to fat cells underneath the skin’s surface.

The cold-treated fat cells crystalize and then die. Your body processes the fat naturally and eliminates these dead cells over time. Coolsculpting® reveals toned muscles and removes stubborn fat with only 3 or 4 sessions.

CoolSculpting® Treatment Areas

CoolSculpting® is FDA-approved to eliminate stubborn fat found in the-

  • Jawline
  • Chin
  • Upper arms
  • Back 
  • Bra area
  • Flank area (love handles)
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Under the buttocks (banana roll).

The FDA-approved treatment tightens skin under the jaw, removes the fat covering your abs, and eliminates love handles. CoolSculpting® is not a treatment for weight loss.

male diagram how coolsculpting works
Click to Zoom

Benefits of CoolSculpting®

The CoolSculpting® applicator targets fat cells in the target areas beneath the skin. The applicator cools the fat and triggers natural cell death. Then, the treated cells shrink and are metabolized by the body. The body eliminates fat cells and reveals a more sculpted body.

Fat cells are eliminated permanently. But CoolSculpting® benefits are more varied than fat loss.

The non-invasive procedure is safe, fast, and non-invasive. Fat loss with cryolipolysis is quicker than lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise.

Cryolipolysis freezes fat – a low-risk and effective treatment for a better physique. Men who want to avoid surgical procedures – like liposuction -can use CoolSculpting® to eliminate fat.

Before, During & After

What to Expect

The first step is your free consultation.

CoolSculpting® for men will eliminate fat cells in problem areas like the chest and belly. The procedure is non-invasive with little to no downtime. Here’s a guide to what to expect during CoolSculpting®.

Stadia Med Spa offers a free consultation to determine if you are a candidate for Coolsculpting®. Come prepared with your goals and the ideal outcome for your treatment.

Your provider will develop a personalized treatment plan to target your problem areas. The treatment plan will include the number of CoolSculpting® treatment sessions you’ll need to see your desired result. Patients need between two and four sessions, while each session may include multiple CoolSculpting® treatments.

Before Treatment

To prepare for your CoolSculpting® treatment, a Stadia Med Spa provider will weigh you and take photos. The photos help show you the results of your procedures!

You should avoid anti-inflammatory medications like Advil or Aspirin for a week leading up to your procedure. Anti-inflammatory medications may cause bruising and increase swelling after your treatment.

You will be immobile during the procedure, but you can bring entertainment. Most men like to watch a tv show on their laptops, read a book, or take a nap.

CoolSculpting® is not a weight loss procedure. To maintain your results, you should prepare an after-treatment plan to keep fat from reforming. The plan should include a plan for regular exercise and a healthy diet. Both of these lifestyle changes go a long way toward improving and maintaining your results!

During Treatment

The CoolSculpting® procedure usually takes between 35 and 45 minutes.

When your CoolSculpting® provider applies the cooling applicator, you will feel a pulling or pinching sensation. The first part of the treatment is the most uncomfortable. Once the skin is sufficiently numb, the rest of the procedure is virtually pain-free.

Your provider will massage the treatment area to kill off more fat cells. After the applicator is removed, the treatment area may ache slightly as it gradually warms back up to body temperature. A compression binder is sometimes used to support the treatment area while it heals.

After Treatment

Anti-inflammatory medications interrupt the body’s fat-removal process, so you should avoid them for as long as possible after your procedure. Always consult with a doctor before you stop any medications or prescriptions.

Most patients leave their treatment and go straight back to their day. Coolsculpting® is an FDA-approved fat removal treatment with fast results and minimal side effects.

The most common side effect is minor discomfort, including redness, bruising, itchiness, soreness, muscle spasms, cramping, and bloating. Monitor your symptoms carefully for the first couple of days, and if they worsen or persist, contact Stadia Med Spa for assistance.

A healthy diet and exercise support your Coolsculpting® results. You should see results within three months – although many people see them as soon as three weeks after their procedure. Schedule a follow-up assessment to review your results and ensure you are meeting your full fat-loss goals.

CoolSculpting® Comparison

CoolSculpting® vs. Liposuction

Liposuction and Coolsculpting® are both fat-loss treatments. Liposuction is the most well-known fat loss surgery which requires general anesthesia and at least a week of recovery. Coolsculpting® is non-surgical with little to no downtime. Most patients go back to their lives immediately following treatment.

During Liposuction surgery, large tubes pull fat from your target areas. The results are immediate, but any surgical cosmetic procedure carries a certain risk.

Coolsculpting® uses cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells in your treatment area. The procedure is fast and easy – you are awake and aware throughout. Most people feel the area go numb within a few minutes.

The Coolsculpting® results may not be immediate, but they are long-term. The fat lost during Coolsculpting® is gone forever.

CoolSculpting® vs. Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise are both essential to maintain your overall health. Coolsculpting® is not meant to take their place. Instead, it should be treated as additional support to accomplish your fat loss goals.

While diet and exercise do reduce the appearance of fat cells, they don’t permanently eliminate them from your body. CoolSculpting® freezes and eliminates fat cells. It can enhance your results from exercise and reveal the muscle beneath the fat. It may provide the exact encouragement you need to continue your healthy lifestyle.


Frequently Asked Questions

CoolSculpting® freezes and eliminates fat cells from the body. It uses a technology called cryolipolysis to target fat cells in your treatment area, permanently eliminating them from the body. CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical procedure with long-term results and little to no downtime. 

CoolSculpting® candidates are looking for the removal of stubborn fat deposits in the face, arms, back, belly, legs, buttocks, and hips. The procedure is safe for men of any age and body type. Many men use it to target fat in the chest and abs.

Many CoolSculpting® clients consider more invasive, surgical options for fat loss – like liposuction – but don’t want the risk or significant downtime.

The best CoolSculpting® candidates exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. The treatment is not meant for weight loss, but a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain results and keep fat from reforming in the treatment areas. 

Stadia Med Spa encourages you to try Coolsculpting as a complement to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Coolsculpting simply eliminates fat cells, but it doesn’t stop them from reforming. Diet and exercise support the fat loss results from Coolsculpting and help you maintain better overall health. 

The CoolSculpting® treatment is not painful. Many clients feel an intense cooling ache for the first 5 to 10 minutes, but then the area goes numb. Even clients with a lower pain tolerance recommend Coolsculpting® to their friends! You are encouraged to bring some form of entertainment, like a laptop, magazine, or book, to occupy yourself during the treatment.

The side effects and risks of CoolSculpting® are minimal. The treatment is FDA-approved to eliminate stubborn fat from certain areas of the body. Most patients feel temporary discomfort in the treatment area, including swelling, aches, minor pain, bruising, itching, and redness.

Coolsculpting® is a safe and effective option for fat loss. However, in rare instances, the treatment can cause skin discoloration, nerve pain, and increased skin sensitivity. Some clients may feel nauseous or dizzy after the treatment. Most symptoms disappear within two weeks. 

The number of Coolsculpting® treatments you need depends on your goals and body type. Some people see results after one treatment. Others need 3 or 4 sessions to get their optimal results.

Start your Coolsculpting® journey with a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa. One of our experienced technicians will evaluate your specific body contour and give you an estimate of how many treatments you need to get results. 

Any fat lost from Coolsculpting® is gone for good. Fat cells are frozen and then metabolized by the body. After a few weeks, they are permanently removed from the body.

If you maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, your results could be permanent. The procedure eliminates fat cells, but that doesn’t stop new ones from forming. 

A single Coolsculpting® session may cost $700 to $1,000. Most people need more than one session to receive optimal results. Contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation to determine eligibility and get a more accurate estimate of the cost of your CoolSculpting® treatment! 

Fat accumulates proportionally across the body. But many people who receive Coolsculpting® report that areas treated tend to stay free from fat even after they gain weight. Fortunately, Coolsculping® is safe to repeat if you do gain weight. 

Fat cells that are frozen can not be unfrozen. Cryolipolysis kills fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from the body. When you exercise and practice a healthy diet, the fat cells are not killed or removed. If you gain weight down the road, the areas where fat cells were eliminated should stay toned.

Contact Stadia Medical Spa

CoolSculpting® for men at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, is a non-surgical procedure to permanently eliminate fat. Men who want to get rid of stubborn fat in the chest, belly, arms, thighs, or jaw can expect visible results within a few weeks of their treatment. Studies show a 20-25% reduction in treated fat cells after a single session.

If you want confidence for a lifetime, contact Stadia Med Spa to book a free consultation or call 210-881-6270.

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