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Erectile Dysfunction

About Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a common problem among men. About half of the men in the United States have experienced some form of ED. And while ED is not necessarily dangerous, it can be a precursor of a more serious problem.

Many men don’t report ED because the condition is associated with a lot of shame. In the past, ED was thought to be a solely psychological disorder. But it turns out that erectile dysfunction has many physical causes, including age, diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis, and vascular anomalies.

Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, suggests an innovative solution to ED to give you confidence for a lifetime. The treatment is non-invasive and uses shock waves to increase blood flow in the penis.

If you want to stop being a victim of your ED and make a change, shock wave therapy could be the solution for you. Keep reading to learn more about shockwaves for ED, including procedure details, benefits, and more! 

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Erectile Dysfunction Before & After

What is Shockwave Therapy for ED?

Shockwave therapy conjures images of electricity and earthquakes, but the treatment involves a simple wand-like device. The device emits undetectable shockwaves around the penis to stimulate blood flow. Most men don’t feel anything more than a light buzzing.

The treatment requires little to no downtime. The shockwave therapy device stimulates blood flow and helps to form new vascular structures in the penis. Blood flow and vascular structures are essential for more frequent and longer-lasting erections.

Shockwave therapy addresses the underlying causes of ED instead of providing temporary in-the-moment solutions. Some patients with severe ED who take PDE-5 inhibitors get better therapeutic results with shockwave therapy.

If you are interested in shockwave therapy, you can start by scheduling a free consultation with one of Stadia Med Spa’s experienced professionals. Talking about ED is a very personal endeavor, and discretion is our top priority.

The Benefits of Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is beneficial for men who want firmer and longer-lasting erections. The treatment is not associated with any side effects or risks.

Most men see results after a simple 30-minute procedure – with longer-lasting erections and a significant boost to their self-esteem. Benefits also include increased penis girth, a higher sex drive, and increased sensitivity for better orgasms. The time between erections also shortens, making shockwave therapy the ideal treatment for any man experiencing troubles in the bedroom!

Shockwave therapy was designed for men with ED. The wand-like device emits shockwaves which increase perfusion, or the passage of blood through the blood vessels. Men with ED often suffer from a lack of perfusion. Blood doesn’t flow easily into the penis, which makes it difficult for them to get or maintain erections.

At the same time, shockwaves promote the formation of new vascular structures. The vascular structures in the penis supply it with healthy blood vessels and remove waste products. Low-intensity shockwaves stimulate new blood vessel growth in the penis tissues.

Shockwave therapy is ideal for men with ED due to vascular causes. Some examples include high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. But any man having trouble getting and maintaining erections can benefit from shockwave therapy at Stadia Med Spa.

Before, During & After

What to Expect

The first step is your free consultation.

Start your journey to better, firmer erections with a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa. Be prepared to speak with one of the experienced medical professionals about your medical history, ED treatments you’ve tried in the past, and potential causes of ED.

If you take any medications or supplements, be sure to let your provider know ahead of time. Some medications may interfere with your treatment and results.

The consultation is the perfect time to ask questions about the procedure and what you can expect for results. Stadia Med Spa may recommend additional or alternative treatments based on your unique goals.

Before Treatment

While many of the benefits of shockwave therapy are FDA-approved indications – the therapy has yet to be approved by the FDA for ED. You will have to sign a waiver before your treatment that states you understand the treatment is experimental and are fully aware of what the treatment entails.

Before your shockwave treatment, you need to remove all metallic accessories, like watches, belts, and jewelry.

During Treatment

Shockwave therapy for ED takes about 20 minutes to complete. A Stadia Med Spa professional will wave the device around different parts of your penis. Based on your goals, the provider will choose a set number of shockwaves per minute and a fixed amount of time.

The treatment is virtually pain-free. Some men feel a light buzzing in the penis but minimal pain or discomfort. No anesthesia is required.

After Treatment

Even if you do not have any pain or swelling, the treatment area needs time to heal. Refrain from strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen if you have pain following the treatment.

Most men need between five and eight treatments to see optimal results. Positive changes are typically reported after a single application. After the initial course of treatment, results can last a year or longer.

Erectile Dysfunction

Frequently Asked Questions

Shockwave therapy for ED is an experimental treatment to increase blood flow and vascular structures in the penis. Many of the benefits are FDA-approved indications, such as increased blood flow and the creation of new blood vessels. A wand-shaped device is passed around the penis to deliver low-intensity shockwaves to the tissues. Benefits include longer, firmer erections, increased sensitivity, and improved self-esteem! 

Men with vasculogenic ED are the best candidates for shockwave therapy at Stadia Med Spa. Other candidates include men who have tried ED medications in the past without results or want to try a longer-lasting solution. 

Men who try shockwave therapy for ED may see results after the first treatment. However, many men need several treatments over four or more weeks to see more dramatic results. 

Shockwave therapy is not currently FDA-approved to treat ED. However, many of the benefits are FDA-approved indications, including increased blood flow and the formation of new blood vessels. More clinical trials are needed to determine effectiveness and safety.

The treatment is typically pain-free and effective. It stimulates blood flow to the tissues to cause firmer, longer-lasting erections.

Some men experience minor pain during or after treatment. An over-the-counter pain reliever is usually enough to counter any pain during recovery. Rarely, side effects may also include bruising, swelling, blood in the urine, and painful erections. 

Shockwave therapy results for men with ED vary from person to person. Many men see results in the first one to three months that gradually fade over time.

Once you complete your initial five to eight treatment sessions, you can expect results that last from several months to several years. In some cases, men had results that lasted two years or longer. Stadia Med Spa recommends regular maintenance visits to optimize results. 

A single ED shockwave therapy session costs about $500. Most men need between five and eight sessions for optimal results. Unlike other FDA-approved treatments, shockwave therapy is not covered by personal health insurance.

Contact Stadia Med Spa to schedule your free consultation for a personalized treatment plan and a more accurate estimate of what your ED shockwave therapy will cost. 

Most people use the terms impotence and erectile dysfunction interchangeably. However, impotence has a negative connotation. Many people use the term to imply a loss of power and a lack of sexual potency.

Erectile Dysfunction is a more neutral term. It describes a range of conditions, including the inability to maintain an erection. Overall, erectile dysfunction is the preferred term when describing issues with erections.

Many people still believe that erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological distress, but that isn’t always the case.

A few physical causes of ED include:

  • Age: Medical professionals consider age a significant risk factor for ED. Many men experience erectile dysfunction around age 50, but it can start earlier as well.
  • Certain medications: Patients who take beta blockers and other medications to lower blood pressure may notice that the blood flow to their penis is also interrupted. A lack of blood flow may result in an inability to get and maintain an erection.
  • Obesity: Men who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop certain medical conditions, including erectile dysfunction.
  • Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc, are more likely to cause problems getting and maintaining erections.

Talk to your primary care doctor if you are experiencing erectile dysfunction symptoms since it could be an indicator of a more serious medical problem. 

Contact Stadia Medical Spa

Shockwave therapy for ED is a newer treatment that has exciting possibilities. Men who want firmer, more sustainable erections may see dramatic results that last much longer than ED medications and other treatments.

Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, recommends shockwave therapy for men with ED due to vasculogenic causes. Take control of your sex life and gain confidence for a lifetime with this simple, non-invasive treatment. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation, or call 210-881-6270.

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