Stadia Medical Spa for Men San Antonio's Medical Spa & Aesthetics Practice for Men Tue, 16 Jul 2024 01:00:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stadia Medical Spa for Men 32 32 Is Botox for Men? Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:48:19 +0000 Is Botox for Men? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn While Botox is often associated with women, the treatment is also increasingly popular among men. If you haven’t heard of it by now, Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment used by both men and women to temporarily reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The injection is quick and (relatively) […]

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Is Botox for Men?


While Botox is often associated with women, the treatment is also increasingly popular among men. If you haven’t heard of it by now, Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment used by both men and women to temporarily reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The injection is quick and (relatively) painless – even people new to Botox are surprised by how little they feel it.

Botox is a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin, which in large doses can damage your body. However, small amounts injected into the muscles prevent muscle contractions by blocking chemical signals from the brain.

Is Botox for men? Yes, men decide to get Botox for various reasons, from reducing forehead wrinkles and frown lines to treatment for excess sweating. Keep reading to learn more about Botox for men, including what makes Botox different from other cosmetic injectables. 

Dynamic vs. Static Wrinkles

The first consideration for men who want to get Botox is to figure out if their wrinkles are dynamic or static.

Dynamic wrinkles are formed by repeated muscle contractions, and examples include the frown line between your eyebrows or Crow’s Feet outside the corners of your eyes.

Static wrinkles – or permanent wrinkles – are visible even when your face is at rest. They aren’t caused by a particular facial expression and can appear on any part of the face from your forehead to your neck.

Botox is designed to treat dynamic wrinkles. The injections go directly into muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles and force them to relax.

Over time, Botox injections can even permanently eliminate dynamic wrinkles. The results improve over time because repeated Botox injections break the muscle habit that creates dynamic wrinkles. Many people see cumulative, long-term effects from Botox that are not common with other cosmetic injectables. 

Botox vs. Dermal Fillers

If you’re in the market for a cosmetic injectable, you might wonder if Botox or dermal fillers are a better fit for your needs. Dermal fillers are gel-like injectables usually made from hyaluronic acid.

Unlike Botox, fillers are injected at various depths beneath the skin’s surface and not directly into the muscle. They are typically used to add volume and contours to the face.

If you have a lot of static and significant facial sagging, dermal fillers might provide better results than Botox. But if you have primarily dynamic wrinkles, Botox might be a better choice.

Botox typically lasts about four months, while dermal fillers last six months or more. While fillers are reversible, Botox is not.

The first time getting Botox might be nerve-wracking since you have to live with those results for the next four months. Stadia Med Spa’s experienced professionals know how best to use Botox so the results are as natural as possible!

Each treatment has its benefits. Botox has a variety of uses, from reducing the signs of aging to easing the symptoms of certain medical conditions. Dermal fillers are a versatile treatment that can dramatically change the shape and appearance of your face.

Before you decide, schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced professionals to get the perfect treatment for you. 

Medical Reasons for Botox

Because Botox is injected into the muscles, it can also help with medical conditions that involve overactive muscles or spasms. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), migraines, and muscle spasms are three of the medical uses for Botox. 

1. Excessive Sweating

On average, Men produce more sweat than women. That combined with a heavier overall muscle mass can lead to excessive sweating and smelly pits.

Botox is one option to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Some men don’t see results from topical treatments, so Botox injections can temporarily block the nerve signals that stimulate sweat production. Therefore, Botox reduces sweating and can help manage sweaty armpits! 

2. Migraines

Men are much less likely to experience migraines than women (a ratio of about three to one), but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen.

Botox is FDA-approved to prevent chronic migraines. For this treatment, your provider will inject Botox into areas of the head and neck to reduce migraine frequency and severity. 

3. Muscle Spasms

Botox prevents muscle contractions, so it’s a very effective solution to muscle spasms and dystonia. Involuntary muscle contracts may result in pain or start to affect the quality of your life. One example is urinary incontinence or the unintentional leakage of urine due to overactive bladder muscles.

In cases where Botox is used to treat muscle spasms, the toxin is injected into specific muscles to force them to relax. In addition to urinary incontinence, Botox has been used to treat cervical dystonia (a condition that causes neck muscle spasms), blepharospasm (involuntary eyelid twitching), and spasticity (muscle stiffness) in conditions such as cerebral palsy. 

Is Botox for Men?

YES! Botox is not a gender-specific treatment, although many men might consider it to be. Men in their 30s and 40s might consider Botox to stop the formation of deep dynamic wrinkles. Botox is often used preventatively and can delay the signs of aging on your face.

Many men try Botox to improve their appearance, and thus, their confidence. Botox helps you look younger and more refreshed, which can help men improve their self-esteem in both personal and professional environments. Millennial men are more likely than other generations to seek cosmetic treatments to improve appearance and confidence.

Botox is a non-surgical way to improve your appearance and address certain medical problems. The treatment is quick and easy – you can schedule injections over your lunch break! Recovery and downtime are minimal. Overall, Botox is a cosmetic treatment that can be extremely beneficial for men. 

Botox at Stadia for Men, the Ultimate Male Med Spa

Interested, want to try Botox for yourself? Schedule a free consultation. One of Stadia Med Spa’s experienced professionals will sit down with you and go over what to expect during your Botox treatment! 

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How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:14:39 +0000 How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Got cellulite? Stadia for Men has a powerful cellulite treatment for men to reduce the orange peel skin condition that drives men and women crazy! Emtone is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that combines radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to target all aspects of […]

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How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men


Got cellulite? Stadia for Men has a powerful cellulite treatment for men to reduce the orange peel skin condition that drives men and women crazy!

Emtone is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that combines radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to target all aspects of cellulite formation. While Emtone is marketed toward women, men also benefit from this unique skin treatment.

A single 20-minute session can reduce cellulite visibility and improve the overall appearance of your skin. The noninvasive treatment is distinct in the world of skin rejuvenation.

Keep reading to learn more about Emtone and how it can get rid of cellulite. But also, a little about the benefits for men without cellulite who want to improve the tone and texture of their skin! 

Cellulite Treatment for Men

Emtone combines radiofrequency energy and targeted mechanical pressure to get rid of cellulite. Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a common type of energy used to improve skin health. RF heats up the skin to a specific temperature to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.

Meanwhile, the targeted mechanical pressure vibrates the treatment area to break down the connective tissue fibers that lead to cellulite’s dimpled appearance. Most men tolerate the treatment, with many even comparing it to a vibrating deep-tissue massage.

Emtone is clinically proven to reduce cellulite’s appearance and improve skin texture – and it all starts with collagen. 

Collagen and Cellulite

Collagen is a skin protein that creates structure, strength, and stretch in your skin. The connective tissue fibers that connect muscle and skin are made of collagen. When these fibers weaken or stretch, the fat cells press up against the skin’s surface and create the dimpled or lumpy appearance of cellulite.

The quality and quantity of collagen in your skin both influence cellulite development. Men typically have more collagen in their skin than women, so they are less likely to get cellulite. However, smoking, excessive drinking, sun exposure, a poor diet, and lack of exercise might still cause cellulite to appear.

Collagen is also an essential component for skin elasticity. Loss of collagen with age and other factors can create a lack of skin firmness and tone, which exacerbates cellulite’s appearance. Because of collagen’s role in cellulite formation, treatments like Emtone that target collagen production can help improve its appearance.

Emtone uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and mechanical pressure to stimulate collagen production and remodeling. By increasing collagen, Emtone improves skin texture and tone, reduces fat cell visibility, and strengthens the connective tissue – dramatically lessening the appearance of cellulite! 

Is Cellulite Caused by Fat?

While cellulite typically forms in areas with a higher concentration of fat, this common skin condition can also appear in men and women with low levels of body fat.

Genetics, hormone changes, poor circulation, and weak collagen fibers all contribute to cellulite formation.

Cellulite is not caused by fat, but excess body fat worsens the appearance of cellulite. An effective cellulite treatment should address the underlying fat deposits and integrity of the skin. Emtone targets fat deposits and stimulates collagen production to reduce the cottage-cheese appearance of cellulite. 

Does Emtone Only Treat Cellulite?

Since less than 10% of men get cellulite, you might wonder about Emtone’s other benefits. Aside from reducing the appearance of cellulite, Emtone can increase circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and increase collagen production.

Keep reading to learn more about how these benefits improve the overall texture and appearance of your skin. 

Increase Circulation

One of the ways Emtone benefits skin texture is by increasing circulation. Both radiofrequency energy and targeted mechanical pressure help to improve blood flow and microcirculation.

Radiofrequency energy revitalizes blood vessels, which leads to vasodilation and increases blood flow to the treatment area. Increased circulation means more oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells pass through the treatment area.

Emtone supports your body’s natural healing processes and refreshes the skin. Better circulation may also reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and enhance skin health and appearance. 

Improve Lymphatic Drainage

In addition to increased circulation, Emtone can improve lymphatic drainage because radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy stimulate lymphatic flow.

The lymph system is part of your body’s natural disposal systems. It removes waste, toxins, and excess fluid from the body. While Emtone isn’t made to assist in lymphatic drainage, the combination of energies does enhance lymph fluid movement to reduce fluid retention and support detoxification. 

Increase Collagen Production

Not only does Emtone break down the collagen in the connective tissues, but it increases collagen production. The treatment creates new collagen fibers and remodels existing collagen. Over time, the treatment creates firmer and tighter skin.

For optimal results, Stadia fortMed Spa recommends multiple Emtone sessions. The exact number of sessions will depend on your unique skin needs and treatment goals. 

Why Choose Emtone for Cellulite

Many cellulite treatments involve more invasive procedures with many potential side effects and a long recovery. Emtone is a noninvasive alternative to reduce cellulite’s appearance that doesn’t involve anesthetic, incisions, or injections.

The device is safe for many different areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms, and the intensity can be adjusted to suit your comfort levels.

Of course, Emtone is not meant as a standalone cellulite treatment. Patients with a healthy diet and exercise routine typically experience better, longer-lasting results from Emtone treatments.

Unfortunately, Emtone is not a permanent cellulite solution, and most men see Emtone results that last between three and twelve months. Stadia Med Spa recommends two to four treatments a year to maintain skin smoothness. Read more about cellulite reduction at

Book at Stadia for Men in San Antonio

Emtone is a powerful cellulite treatment for men and women. It targets all aspects of cellulite formation to leave your skin smooth and even.
In addition to reducing the appearance of cellulite, Emtone increases circulation, lymphatic drainage, and collagen production for healthy skin.

Contact Stadia for Men to learn about Emtone, or schedule a free consultation! One of our experienced professionals will meet with you to discuss your skin care needs and let you know if Emtone is the right treatment for you! 

The post How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.

Do Men Get Cellulite? Yes. Here’s why. Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:29:14 +0000 Emtone: Is Men’s Skincare Different than Women’s? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn It may surprise you to know that men’s skin is different than women’s. The products designed for men’s skin vary in more than their marketing. The male sex hormone testosterone creates an entirely unique skin composition that requires different strategies to support. For one, men […]

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Emtone for Male Cellulite vs Women


It may surprise you to know that men’s skin is different than women’s. The products designed for men’s skin vary in more than their marketing.

The hormone testosterone in men creates an entirely unique skin composition that requires different strategies to support. For one, men tend to have thicker, oily skin with more collagen. Lotions for men tend to focus less on collagen production and more on managing the excess oil and large pores.

Men also shave their faces, which can lead to razor burn and bumps on sensitive skin. Shaving may also cause painful ingrown hairs.

The skin conditions that affect men are also different from women. Men are less likely to get cellulite, although some men still do.

For those men who are seeing an increase in cellulite, Emtone is the only treatment on the market that combines radiofrequency energy with targeted pressure to reduce cellulite’s appearance.

Keep reading to learn more about the difference between men’s and women’s skin, including why Emtone is the best cellulite treatment for men. 

Main Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Skin

Is men’s skincare different than women’s? Absolutely, because their skin composition and hair growth cause distinct problems that can only be treated when you understand the differences between men’s and women’s skin.

Here are a few ways in which men’s skin is different than women’s, especially when it comes to cellulite formation.

  • Thick Skin: Men have naturally thicker skin than women because of the high testosterone levels in their bodies. They are also more likely to have oily, acne-prone skin because they produce large amounts of sebum.
  • Connective Tissue: The connective tissue in men’s bodies that attach muscle and skin forms a crisscross structure that prevents fat cells from pressing against the skin’s surface. Women’s connective tissue goes straight up and down, which is another reason they are more likely to develop cellulite than men.
  • Collagen Loss: Collagen production naturally slows down as you age, which causes the skin to get thinner for both sexes. For men, collagen loss usually becomes obvious around the age of 40.
  • Men also tend to spend more time outdoors, which makes skin age faster. Since UVA and UVB rays from the sun break down the collagen in your skin, the more time you spend in the sun, the faster your skin will age. Men are less likely than women to wear sunscreen every day (18% of men to 42% of women).
  • Fat Storage and Loss: Women are more likely to store fat cells in the buttocks and thighs (common areas for cellulite formation), while men typically store fat in the abdomen and upper body.
  • Men tend to lose fat more easily with calorie restriction. High levels of testosterone make it easier for them to create visible muscle growth. So, men might have an easier time reducing cellulite visibility with diet and exercise. 

Is Emtone for Men?

Many men may suffer from the misconception that Emtone is only a treatment for women. Only about 10% of men get cellulite and Emtone is a non-invasive treatment for cellulite reduction – so it makes sense that most men might not even consider booking an Emtone treatment.

However, men still suffer from damaged connective tissue and thin skin, which are two of the main contributors to cellulite.

Emtone uses radiofrequency energy and targeted pressure to break down cellulite. In a treatment that feels like a vibrating deep tissue massage, the device breaks up subcutaneous fat cells and loosens the fibrous bands that connect skin and muscle. It also increases collagen production to create smoother-looking skin overall.

So, for 10% of men with cellulite, Emtone is the optimal solution for cellulite reduction. 

Causes of Men’s Cellulite

Men’s high levels of testosterone are ultimately responsible for preventing cellulite formation. When the female sex hormone – estrogen – is out of balance, it can lead to a lack of circulation in the connective tissue and an increase in the size of fat cells. Meanwhile, testosterone creates thicker skin with more collagen to keep cellulite at bay.

However, certain factors can lead to cellulite, regardless of gender. Smoking, excessive drinking, and certain medications (like steroids) all contribute to cellulite formation.

The main factors that contribute to cellulite formation are:

  • Age
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Exercise frequency
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Certain medications

Because skincare companies tend to focus more on women, men’s skincare is often overlooked. Emtone is one solution to improve skin texture and tone for men with cellulite or who simply want smoother, healthier-looking skin. 

Is Emtone Useful for Other Skin Conditions?

The radiofrequency energy and targeted pressure work together in a unique therapy that no other skin treatment can match. Emtone breaks up the fat cells and fibrous bands beneath the skin’s surface. At the same time, it increases collagen production to create thicker, healthier-looking skin.

Emtone is specifically designed for cellulite. However, it can be beneficial for other skin conditions. The radiofrequency gets rid of minor lines and wrinkles and tightens sagging skin in the treatment area. New collagen production will even reduce the appearance of scars, sun damage, and spots.

If you are unsure if Emtone is the best treatment for your skincare goals, contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation. 

Is Men’s Skincare Different than Women’s?

Yes! The different composition of men’s skin makes men’s skincare distinct. Emtone is designed to treat cellulite, so men with cellulite should consider adding it to their skincare routine. The treatment is also beneficial for men who want to see tighter, more even skin.

Men with cellulite will need between four and six treatments with Emtone. Results will improve over the first few months after your treatment and can last several months to more than a year. 

Book at Stadia Med Spa

Is men’s skincare different than women’s in regards to cellulite? No, Emtone is the best treatment for men and women who want to lessen the appearance of cellulite.

Stadia Med Spa offers several treatments for men to improve their skin texture and tone. Before you book, schedule a free consultation to learn more about Emtone and see if it’s the right treatment for you! 

The post Do Men Get Cellulite? Yes. Here’s why. appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.

The Best Skin Tightening Treatment for the Face Sat, 08 Jun 2024 00:02:06 +0000 The Best Skin Tightening Face Treatment for Men Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Skin tightening face treatments are a popular cosmetic procedure among men and women. From facelifts to microneedling, each treatment has its pros and cons. So, claiming Venus Legacy is the best skin tightening face treatment for men honestly depends on your goals. Skin tightening […]

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The Best Skin Tightening Face Treatment for Men


Skin tightening face treatments are a popular cosmetic procedure among men and women. From facelifts to microneedling, each treatment has its pros and cons. So, claiming Venus Legacy is the best skin tightening face treatment for men honestly depends on your goals.

Skin tightening with the Venus Legacy is the best treatment if you want to get rid of cellulite, tighten sagging skin, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and remove pockets of unwanted fat. It sculpts and contours the face to improve your confidence in your appearance.

In terms of versatility, Venus Legacy is definitely one of the best skin tightening face treatments on the market! The fast and easy treatment can take years off your face and leave skin smooth and sculpted.

Keep reading to learn more about skin tightening at Stadia for Men and how you can use it to improve the appearance and contour of your face. 

How It Works

First, let’s examine what makes Venus Legacy unique among cosmetic treatments.

Skin tightening with Venus Legacy is distinctive because it combines radiofrequency energy and pulsed electromagnetic fields to create a matrix of heat over the skin’s surface. The heat penetrates the skin at variable depths to stimulate collagen production, tighten the skin, and remove unwanted fat cells.

RF heat heats the skin from the inside by triggering your body’s natural healing systems. Old skin cells die off and are removed, and new ones grow in their place.

The noninvasive treatment is safe for all skin types and tones. It doesn’t require surgery, anesthetic, pain, or incisions. When it comes to quick and easy skin tightening, Venus Legacy certainly is one of the best. 

Venus Legacy for Cellulite

Venus Legacy is one of the best treatments on the market for cellulite (after Emtone). The RF energy destroys fat cells that push up against the surface of the skin. At the same time, it breaks up damaged collagen, which causes the fibrous bands to tighten irregularly and increases skin thickness.

A single Venus Legacy treatment is enough to see a significant reduction in the appearance of cellulite. Although men don’t typically get cellulite (only about 10% of men do), cellulite on your face can be a blow to your confidence. Venus Legacy smooths out skin by targeting all aspects of cellulite formation 

Venus Legacy for Saggy Skin

Venus Legacy skin tightening is a type of nonsurgical facelift that leaves your face looking younger and more sculpted. Sagging skin on the face is a natural part of aging. It may also appear after excess weight loss or result from years in the sun without sunblock.

Venus Legacy can tighten saggy skin on the face, neck, and jaw. Jowls and a turkey neck are treatable with Venus Legacy! The treatment increases collagen production to reduce skin laxity. 

Venus Legacy for Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are also a result of age. Collagen and elastin production slows down as you age. Over time, gravity and repeated facial contractions create wrinkles on your forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes.

When you increase collagen production, wrinkles and fine lines start to disappear. Venus Legacy is not a permanent solution to wrinkles. However, regular maintenance visits can take years off your face!

You can even start Venus Legacy in your 20s and 30s to prevent wrinkles from forming. While it can’t stop the aging process, it can keep your face smooth well into your 40s and 50s. 

Venus Legacy for Fat Loss

Radiofrequency energy can help remove unwanted fat cells that gather in the cheeks, chin, and below your jaw. Venus Legacy works best for small areas of fat and can help sculpt your jawline, neck, cheekbones, and more! 

Who is a Candidate for Skin Tightening with Venus Legacy?

Men of any age or skin tone are eligible for Venus Legacy. The treatment is for anyone who wants to tighten saggy skin, get rid of cellulite, remove unwanted fat cells, and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

Venus Legacy is not suitable for men with a pacemaker or metal implants in the treatment area 

Venus Legacy versus Other Treatments

As a skin tightening face treatment for men, Venus Legacy is one of your best options. Before you call for a free consultation, you might want to shop for the treatment that best meets your needs. Here is a breakdown of other skin tightening treatments often compared to Venus Legacy. 

Venus Legacy versus Emtone

Emtone is another skin tightening treatment offered at Stadia Med Spa. It combines radiofrequency energy with targeted pressure to get rid of cellulite.

While the benefits certainly overlap with those of Venus Legacy skin tightening, Emtone’s main use is as a treatment for cellulite. Venus Legacy is more versatile. It can improve the appearance of cellulite, but also tighten sagging skin and remove unwanted fat cells. 

Venus Legacy vs Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO combines targeted radiofrequency energy and forced muscle contractions to build muscle and remove fat. The treatment is designed to sculpt the body but may not be ideal for your face.

The inventors of Emsculpt NEO recently created an option specifically for your face called EMFACE. While Emface does increase collagen production, it also affects the facial muscles and connective tissues. Venus Legacy is a better option if you want to treat the surface of the skin. 

Venus Legacy vs RF Microneedling

RF microneedling is another skin tightening treatment that combines radiofrequency energy and microneedling. The microneedling creates microtears in the skin, which allows the heat to penetrate deeper into the skin. It can reduce acne scars, sun damage, large pores, sagging skin, and wrinkles.

Venus Legacy is better for a face that requires collagen production at predetermined depths. Men without significant scarring or sun damage may prefer Venus Legacy. 

Contact Stadia Med Spa

The best skin tightening face treatment for men depends on your unique skin needs. Start your journey to better skin with a free consultation. One of Stadia for Men med spa’s experienced practitioners will meet with you to discuss which treatment is best for you! 

The post The Best Skin Tightening Treatment for the Face appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.

Loose Skin after Weight Loss? Try Venus Skin Tightening Sat, 01 Jun 2024 23:40:20 +0000 Loose Skin after Weight Loss? Try Venus Skin Tightening Facebook Twitter LinkedIn When you carry around extra weight for a long time, the collagen and elastin in your skin get damaged. Collagen and elastin are essential skin proteins that make your skin stretchy and elastic. They are also crucial for helping skin snap back after […]

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Loose Skin after Weight Loss? Try Venus Skin Tightening


When you carry around extra weight for a long time, the collagen and elastin in your skin get damaged. Collagen and elastin are essential skin proteins that make your skin stretchy and elastic. They are also crucial for helping skin snap back after weight loss!

If you lose weight only to find your skin is sagging and loose, you’ve probably damaged a significant portion of collagen and elastin. This means you are probably still self-conscious about your body even though you recently lost weight!

No one wants to worry about loose skin after weight loss. Thankfully, Stadia for Men in San Antonio are experts at skin tightening for men looking to snug up loose skin after weight loss with Venus Legacy.

Venus Legacy is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment to tighten sagging skin after weight loss. Keep reading to learn about Venus skin tightening, including the benefits of pairing Venus Legacy with liposuction and other fat loss treatments!

How does Venus Legacy Tighten Skin?

Skin Tightening for men with Venus Legacy is a non-invasive therapy that combines radiofrequency energy with pulsing electromagnetic fields. Together, they create a matrix of heat in the treatment area to target loose skin and stimulate collagen production.

Because the loose skin after weight loss results from collagen and elastin damage, you must create more collagen and elastin to reverse the effects. RF energy is often used for skin resurfacing treatments because the targeted heat forces your skin to produce more collagen. The heat also stimulates your body’s natural healing processes to remove the damaged collagen.

On average, Venus Legacy creates tighter skin for up to 18 months. Unfortunately, the increase in collagen and elastin production is not permanent, but your results could last for years with regular maintenance visits.

Venus Legacy is primarily a skin tightening treatment, but the procedure can also help with fat loss, cellulite reduction, and fine lines and wrinkles.

People who lose 100 pounds or more may need to consider more invasive procedures to remove excess skin. Venus Legacy is more effective for small areas of skin laxity. The treatment is FDA-approved to treat most areas of the body – including the face, abdomen, arms, hips, and buttocks. 

Can I Use Venus Legacy with Other Treatments?

Men often ask which cosmetic treatments pair well together. When it comes to cost and convenience, you would ideally find a single treatment to help you meet all of your appearance goals. But that isn’t always possible.

Venus Legacy skin tightening pairs well with certain treatments and may even help you get better results. Here are a few ways you can pair Venus Legacy with other cosmetic procedures. 

Venus Legacy after Lipo

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery to get rid of unwanted fat. Large amounts of fat are pulled from the body using large tubes. The treatment is an effective way to remove fat from the body.

However, a major complaint patients have after liposuction is loose skin in the treatment area. In many cases, your skin will naturally tighten up after liposuction. Most people see an improvement in the first two weeks once the swelling subsides, then the skin continues to tighten over the next two to three months.

For those whose skin doesn’t tighten naturally, you may want to consider Venus Legacy to improve your skin’s appearance.

Venus Legacy is a noninvasive way to tighten skin after lipo. You will need to wait two weeks after liposuction to try Venus Legacy to allow your body time to heal from your procedure. The skin tightening treatment may even help refine your liposuction results, leading to a better overall body contour and appearance. 

Venus Legacy after Coolsculpting™

Coolsculpting™ is a powerful noninvasive fat loss treatment to help those who have already experienced some weight loss but struggling with small areas of stubborn fat. The procedure also improves your overall body contour.

During Coolsculpting™, your provider places the cooling applicators on your skin to freeze the fat cells. The frozen fat cells die and are removed from the body naturally. Results are typically visible several weeks after your treatment, as it takes time for your body to remove the fat cells via its natural removal systems.

Because Coolsculpting™ gets rid of fat cells gradually over time, the chances of developing saggy skin are relatively low. However, adding a Venus Legacy treatment after Coolsculpting™ will ensure skin stays tight once unwanted fat is removed. 

Does Venus Legacy Get Rid of Fat?

Venus Legacy can also improve your body contour by reducing fat cells. The treatment works best for targeted fat loss.

Radiofrequency energy heats the fat until cell death, which your body removes via its natural disposal systems. Venus Legacy is not a weight loss treatment. Any weight lost after the treatment is a result of the removal of fat cells. 

Does Venus Legacy Reduce Cellulite?

If you’ve recently experienced significant weight loss, you might wonder why you still have cellulite! Unfortunately, losing weight doesn’t remove cellulite because fat cells are only one aspect of cellulite formation.

Cellulite is caused by a combination of tight fibrous bands, thin skin, and excess fat cells. While fat cells often shrink as a result of weight loss, they do not disappear. And the tight bands and loose skin aren’t affected at all.

Venus Legacy stimulates collagen production, which makes your skin thicker and breaks up the fibrous bands causing a dimpled appearance. So, not only does Venus tighten skin after weight loss, it can help get rid of that stubborn area of cellulite at the same time! Learn more about how to get rid of cellulite at Stadia for Men.

Work with Stadia Med Spa

The last thing you want to worry about after losing weight is loose skin! You probably spent months or years trying to get the weight off. Now, you simply want to enjoy your body without feeling self-conscious about your skin.

Venus Legacy can help tighten skin after weight loss. The treatment improves the appearance of your skin and the overall contour of your body with only a couple of noninvasive treatments.

Ready to try Venus skin tightening for yourself? Contact Stadia for Men for a free consultation, or schedule your first treatment today! 

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Can You Use Microneedling for Men’s Hair Loss? Thu, 25 May 2023 10:10:00 +0000 Can You Use Microneedling for Men’s Hair Loss? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Microneedling is a relatively well-known cosmetic treatment for skin care, but can you use microneedling for men’s hair loss? The answer is YES! Many men aren’t aware that microneedling is an effective treatment for scalp and hair health. RF microneedling is more effective than […]

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Can You Use Microneedling for Men’s Hair Loss?


Microneedling is a relatively well-known cosmetic treatment for skin care, but can you use microneedling for men’s hair loss?

The answer is YES!

Many men aren’t aware that microneedling is an effective treatment for scalp and hair health. RF microneedling is more effective than traditional microneedling techniques because it increases collagen and elastin production. Stadia Med Spa offers RF microneedling with Laser Genesis – an FDA-approved device that rejuvenates the skin on the scalp and may improve hair thickness and growth!

Of course, the effectiveness of microneedling for men’s hair loss will depend on the cause of your hair loss. Let’s start by looking at some causes of men’s hair loss and how RF microneedling can help.

What Causes Men’s Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur at any age but typically begins in the mid to late 20s. Men’s hair loss is often hereditary. Some men (and women) are genetically sensitive to androgen DHT, which can lead to significant hair loss and balding. This condition – called androgenic alopecia – is the cause of male pattern baldness and is not preventable.

Androgenic areata is another cause of male pattern baldness – an autoimmune disease where your body attacks the hair follicles. Men with androgen alopecia and androgenic areata will notice hair loss starting around the temples and at the hairline.

Other causes of hair loss include hormonal changes, nutrient deficiencies, certain medications, stress, and aging. Poor scalp hygiene can also affect hair growth. Hair follicles blocked by dirt and other impurities prevent hair growth and may cause thinning hair.

RF microneedling is particularly effective for androgenic alopecia and androgenic areata. You should always consult with a professional before you seek treatment for your hair loss. Some causes of hair loss – like an iron deficiency – will require a different treatment plan than hormonal or genetic hair loss.

What is Microneedling?

Many men are sensitive about their hair loss and work hard to prevent it. Medications like Rogaine and Propecia can sometimes prevent early hair loss, and microneedling can be a powerful complement to support hair regrowth and scalp health.

Microneedling is a minimally-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses tiny needles to penetrate the surface of the skin. The needles create microtears in the skin, which stimulate collagen and elastin production and kick-start your skin’s natural healing abilities.

Stadia Med Spa offers RF microneedling – a treatment that combines traditional microneedling with radiofrequency energy. The RF energy creates heat in the skin and penetrates deep into the micro-tears created by the needles. Overall, RF microneedling is considered more effective than microneedling on its own.

RF microneedling is often used for mild to moderate skin concerns like wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne scars. However, the stimulation of collagen and elastin is also helpful for hair loss.

Can You Use Microneedling for Men’s Hair Loss?

Can you use microneedling for men’s hair loss?

In short, yes! RF microneedling for men’s hair loss is a safe and effective treatment, especially when combined with other hair loss treatments.

Most studies on microneedling for men’s hair loss combine microneedling with other hair loss treatments, like Minoxidil and PRP injections. A 2013 study on a combination of Minoxidil and microneedling for androgenic alopecia saw a 50% improvement in hair regrowth for 80% of the participants.

In the same study, the researchers found that microneedling supported hair regrowth by releasing platelet-derived and epidermal growth factors. Platelet-derived growth factors help heal wounds and repair blood vessel damage, while epidermal growth factors stimulate new cell growth. In theory, growth factors release will stimulate new hair growth and increase hair thickness.

The study also showed that microneedling helped to activate stem cells. Stem cells help to regenerate and repair tissues that have been damaged. Damaged hair follicles will not regrow hair. So by activating stem cells, microneedling should help regenerate and repair tissues in the scalp.

More studies are needed on the effectiveness of microneedling for hair loss on its own, but when used in conjunction with other treatments, microneedling is a proven tool to help regrow hair.

What to Expect

Before your microneedling treatment, your provider will apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area on the scalp. Then, they will drag the RF microneedling device over the area several times.

Most men don’t feel anything during the treatment, and side effects are minimal. Your skin may be red and sensitive for a couple of days after the treatment. Stay out of the sun while your skin recovers, and keep the area clean while it heals.

Because RF microneedling stimulates collagen, results take time to appear. Results are typically visible three to six months after your treatment. You will probably need three to four treatments initially, with regular maintenance visits to keep hair healthy.

Other Treatments for Hair Loss at Stadia Med Spa

Stadia Med Spa recommends enhancing your hair regrowth results with our other hair restoration treatments: Keralase, Hydrafacial, and PRP injections.

The KeraLase™ Peptide Complex Scalp Treatment combines laser therapy and skin-restoring serums. Each treatment targets the skin on your scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Hydrafacial is a cleansing, exfoliating, and hydrating treatment that gets rid of impurities and dry skin on the scalp. If your hair loss is due to inflammation or clogged pores, Hydrafacial could be a powerful reset for the scalp.

PRP injections – or Platelet-Rich Plasma injections – take the platelet-rich plasma from your blood and inject them into your scalp. PRP encourages healing in the body, and PRP injections may help heal damaged hair follicles on the scalp and improve hair growth.

If you want to regrow your hair and stop hair loss, contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation. One of our experienced medical professionals will analyze your scalp and help you determine which treatments will help you meet your hair regrowth goals.

Can you use microneedling for men’s hair loss?

In short, yes! RF microneedling for men’s hair loss is a safe and effective treatment, especially when combined with other hair loss treatments.

Most studies on microneedling for men’s hair loss combine microneedling with other hair loss treatments, like Minoxidil and PRP injections. A 2013 study on a combination of Minoxidil and microneedling for androgenic alopecia saw a 50% improvement in hair regrowth for 80% of the participants.

In the same study, the researchers found that microneedling supported hair regrowth by releasing platelet-derived and epidermal growth factors. Platelet-derived growth factors help heal wounds and repair blood vessel damage, while epidermal growth factors stimulate new cell growth. In theory, growth factors release will stimulate new hair growth and increase hair thickness.

The study also showed that microneedling helped to activate stem cells. Stem cells help to regenerate and repair tissues that have been damaged. Damaged hair follicles will not regrow hair. So by activating stem cells, microneedling should help regenerate and repair tissues in the scalp.

More studies are needed on the effectiveness of microneedling for hair loss on its own, but when used in conjunction with other treatments, microneedling is a proven tool to help regrow hair.

Book at Stadia Med Spa

So in answer to the question – can you use microneedling for men’s hair loss? – Yes! RF microneedling is a powerful tool to help regrow hair, especially when you combine it with other hair restoration treatments and hair loss medications.

Ready to start your journey to hair restoration? Contact Stadia Med Spa to book a free consultation today

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3 Fast and Easy Men’s Skin Care Treatments Thu, 25 May 2023 09:59:30 +0000 3 Fast and Easy Men’s Skin Care Treatments Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Gone are the days when spas were a girls-only activity. In fact, as of 2019, the number of men versus women booking spa treatments was about even. Men even outspend women in most medical spas, with the numbers trending upward as the Millennial generation […]

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3 Fast and Easy Men’s Skin Care Treatments

Gone are the days when spas were a girls-only activity. In fact, as of 2019, the number of men versus women booking spa treatments was about even. Men even outspend women in most medical spas, with the numbers trending upward as the Millennial generation ages. Men’s skin care treatments aren’t drastically different from those for women. However, men do have unique skin concerns. High levels of testosterone (the male sex hormone) make their skin about 25% thicker than in women. Men’s skin also tends to be rougher in texture. Stadia Med Spa offers three fast and easy men’s skin care treatments that address a whole range of skin conditions and concerns. Hydrafacial, Emtone, and RF microneedling – each treatment has a unique place in men’s skin care. Keep reading for a breakdown of each treatment so you can decide which will help you meet your unique skin care goals.

3 Fast and Easy Men’s Skin Care Treatments

These three fast and easy men’s skin care treatments target different problems and areas of the body. Hydrafacial focuses on hydration and gentle resurfacing. Emtone is a cellulite-focused treatment that can also address other minor skin imperfections. And RF microneedling is primarily used for anti-aging.

However, each treatment has multiple uses. Keep reading for a comprehensive summary of each men’s skin treatment to see which might benefit you the most!

1. Hydrafacial

Hydrafacial Fast Facts:

Primary Usage: Facial and scalp resurfacing
Other Uses: Scalp and skin cleansing, hair growth, acne prevention, pore cleansing, reducing pore size
Treatment Areas: Face, scalp, neck, hands, arms, back
How many visits? Monthly (for best results) 

Facials are a typical spa treatment, but Hydrafacial takes the standard facial to another level. Hyfacials use patented Vortex Fusion technology to cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate the skin.

First, the device exfoliates and removes dead cells from the skin’s surface. Then the fresh skin is soaked in serums designed to hydrate and moisturize. Some serums help to remove dirt and impurities from deep within the pores, while others nourish and hydrate.

After the initial round of exfoliation, the vortex technology digs deeper to extract impurities in the pores. After several rounds of cleansing and exfoliating, a final round of serums is applied to support your skin health in the weeks following your treatment.

Men with dry, flaky, uneven skin on their face or scalp can benefit from Hydrafacial. It cleanses pores to reduce inflammation, prevents acne breakouts, and reduces the early signs of aging.

Hydrafacial can also reverse hair loss and support a healthy scalp! Some hair loss is directly related to the health of your skin. So, cleansing and exfoliating the scalp will remove any blockages or impurities that prevent your hair from growing in.

2. Emtone

Emtone Fast Facts:

Primary Usage: Cellulite reduction
Other Uses: Skin tightening, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, reduces inflammation for a more even skin tone and texture
Treatment Areas: Arms, love handles, abdomen, thighs, buttocks
How many visits? 4 to 6 treatments to start with regular follow-ups for maintenance

Only about 10% of men get cellulite. Testosterone makes men’s skin thicker, and they typically have less subcutaneous fat. Men also have a higher collagen density, which makes their skin age slower. But regardless of skin thickness, fat content, and collagen density, some men still get cellulite.

Cellulite appears as the result of thin skin, increased fat cell size, and a tightening of the fibrous bands that connect the muscles to the skin. All three have to be present for cellulite to form. For men, cellulite often appears on the legs and buttocks.

Emtone is a non-surgical treatment that uses radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to reduce cellulite’s appearance. The combination of these two technologies stimulates collagen production, breaks up fat cells, and loosens the fibrous bands that pull down on the skin.

While the primary reason for Emtone is to reduce cellulite, Emtone also tightens loose skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and enhances skin texture and tone. It can also help with stretch marks and other types of scarring.

3. RF Microneedling

RF Microneedling Fast Facts:

Primary Usage: Reduce signs of aging
Other Uses: Reverse skin laxity, remove signs of sun damage,
Treatment Areas: Face, neck, arms, thighs, and chest
How many visits? 3 to 4 treatments to start with regular follow-ups for maintenance

Men generally have a higher collagen content which keeps their skin looking young. In fact, men’s skin appears 15 years younger than a woman of the same age.

However, men don’t often spend the same amount of time and effort caring for their skin. Sun damage, poor diet and exercise habits, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption level the playing field for the most part.

RF microneedling is a minimally-invasive treatment that addresses a variety of skin issues related to aging. Tiny needles create microtears in the skin to increase collagen and elastin production. During RF microneedling, the needles are combined with radiofrequency energy, which heats the skin to a temperature that induces healing without damaging the surrounding skin tissues.

Together, the needles and RF energy make skin appear fuller and get rid of blemishes, sun damage, wrinkles, and more. RF microneedling can also reduce the appearance of acne scars.
The treatment is minimally invasive with little to no recovery time and very few side effects.

Each of these three treatments has amazing benefits to help you get smooth, blemish-free skin. Whether you have acne scars, hair loss, premature wrinkling, or a variety of other skin concerns – Stadia Med Spa has a treatment to help.

Book at Stadia Med Spa

Stadia Med Spa offers these three fast and easy men’s skin care treatments to help you meet your skincare goals. Whether your issue is cellulite or sun damage, overly large pores, or acne breakouts – our accredited medical spa has a treatment for you.

The post 3 Fast and Easy Men’s Skin Care Treatments appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.

3 Noninvasive Fat Removal Options for Men Thu, 25 May 2023 09:38:55 +0000 3 Noninvasive Fat Removal Options for Men Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Men of all ages are starting to invest in cosmetic treatments to meet their body sculpting goals. Liposuction is a common consideration. This invasive fat removal treatment has shocking results when you want to lose fat fast. But what if you only want to lose […]

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3 Noninvasive Fat Removal Options for Men


Men of all ages are starting to invest in cosmetic treatments to meet their body sculpting goals. Liposuction is a common consideration. This invasive fat removal treatment has shocking results when you want to lose fat fast.

But what if you only want to lose that stubborn layer of fat over your gut? Or maybe your goal is to create a more defined profile by removing the fat underneath your chin?

Noninvasive fat removal options for men are the perfect solution for targeted fat loss. Typically, noninvasive fat removal involves heat, cold, or injections that destroy fat cells inside the body. Then, they let your body do the rest of the work and remove the fat cells naturally.

In this article, we compare three noninvasive fat removal options for men: Coolsculpting, Emsculpt, and Emsculpt NEO. Keep reading to learn how these treatments can help you sculpt your body and remove fat fast.

3 Noninvasive Fat Removal Options for Men

These three noninvasive fat removal options can help you meet your goals. Stadia Med Spa recommends these treatments for men who are already at a healthy weight and want to lose unwanted fat from a few specific areas in the body.

1. Coolsculpting™

Coolsculpting™ is a body sculpting treatment that uses a cooling applicator to remove unwanted fat cells. In clinical trials, one treatment was enough to see a 25% reduction in fat cells in the treatment area.

Coolsculpting™ uses cryolipolysis to freeze the fat cells without affecting the surrounding tissues. The treatment is safe and effective, with a high patient satisfaction rate. The noninvasive fat removal option is FDA-approved to reduce fat in the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, double chin, chest, back, buttocks, and upper arms.

What to Expect:

The treatment itself is mostly painless and requires little to no downtime. Most people feel an ache in the treatment site that fades within a few minutes of application. The area is numb while fat cells are frozen. 

After each application, your provider will massage the treatment area to optimize your results! Make sure to bring a book or laptop to entertain yourself during your treatment.

2. Emsculpt

Emsculpt is the original noninvasive fat removal option that uses high-intensity electromagnetic energy to build muscle and reduce fat cells. HIFEM+ energy contracts your muscles approximately 20,000 times in a 30-minute session. That’s the equivalent of 20,000 crunches, push-ups, etc.

As the first iteration of this revolutionary device, Emsculpt can give you up to 16% muscle growth per treatment. Muscle burns more calories while at rest than body fat. Over time, the increased muscle mass helps to break down fat cells in the body.

Emsculpt doesn’t have fast fat loss results like Coolsculpting™ and Emsculpt NEO, but it will still significantly improve your body contour by increasing muscle mass! Emsculpt is FDA-approved to treat the abdomen, buttocks, arms, calves, and thighs.

What to Expect:

Emsculpt is relatively pain-free, with very few side effects or risks. During the treatment, your provider will apply the Emsculpt applicator, and you will feel intense muscle contractions.
Some men find the sensation uncomfortable, but in one 30-minute treatment, your muscles get the equivalent of a strenuous workout! You should expect to be sore for a few days while your muscles heal and grow.

3. Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO is the newest version of Emsculpt that launched in 2020. This noninvasive fat removal option for men built on the success of Emsculpt, but added radiofrequency energy to increase fat loss and tighten skin.

Radiofrequency energy targets unwanted fat cells and causes lipolysis. Basically, it burns the fat cells so they can be removed from the body. The RF energy also increases collagen and elastin production in the skin for tighter, healthier-looking skin!

The combination of HIFEM+ and RF energy makes Emsculpt NEO a particularly effective method to build muscle and remove fat. In clinical trials, patients have seen a 25% increase in muscle mass and a 30% reduction in fat after one 30-minute treatment.

What to Expect:

Emsculpt NEO is similar to Emsculpt. You will feel intense muscle contractions in the treatment area with the addition of heat. Most people compare the RF heat to that of a hot stone massage, both therapeutic and penetrating.

Your provider can adjust the rate of contractions and heat to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during your treatment. After your treatment, your body will be sore for a couple of days while the muscles heal and grow!

The Best Noninvasive Fat Removal Option for Men

Coolsculpting™, Emsculpt, and Emsculpt NEO all have their benefits when it comes to noninvasive fat removal. All three treatments are safe and effective, and require less recovery than surgery!

If your goal is solely to lose fat, Coolsculpting™ offers fast fat removal with little recovery. The fat freezes away, and you should have visible results within three weeks.

For men who want to build muscle to lose fat, Emsculpt creates modest muscle growth with natural fat loss over time. And Emsculpt NEO is for you if your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, and tighten skin!

Overall, the best noninvasive fat removal option for men is based on your body sculpting goals. None of these treatments were designed for weight loss. Instead, they support a healthy lifestyle by getting rid of unwanted fat in specific areas of the body.

Not sure where to start? Schedule a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa. One of our medical professionals will evaluate your treatment area and go over the best option for your body!

Book at Stadia Med Spa

These three noninvasive fat removal options for men – Coolsculpting™, Emsculpt, and Emsculpt NEO – offer many exciting benefits. Men within a normal weight range are candidates for noninvasive fat reduction at Stadia Med Spa. Get ready to improve your appearance and confidence without surgery and with little downtime!

Contact Stadia Med Spa to learn more about these noninvasive fat reduction treatments today!

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Can Venus Legacy Make Cellulite Worse? Thu, 25 May 2023 09:31:34 +0000 Can Venus Legacy Make Cellulite Worse? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Venus Legacy skin tightening is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment to tighten skin visibly, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce cellulite. When you dive down the cellulite rabbit hole, you quickly discover cellulite results from three factors – thin skin, tight fibrous bands, and expanding fat […]

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Can Venus Legacy Make Cellulite Worse?


Venus Legacy skin tightening is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment to tighten skin visibly, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce cellulite. When you dive down the cellulite rabbit hole, you quickly discover cellulite results from three factors – thin skin, tight fibrous bands, and expanding fat cells.

If you have cellulite, you may be weary of any treatment that messes with the texture and stretch of your skin. You might think tightening the skin will only make your cellulite more visible.

Can Venus Legacy make cellulite worse? Skin tightening with Venus Legacy goes much deeper than the skin’s surface. This article explores how Venus Legacy works and why the treatment is an effective method to reduce the appearance of cellulite!

How Cellulite Forms

Cellulite is a relatively common skin condition – 80 – 90% of women and about 10% of men have cellulite somewhere on their bodies. Cellulite usually appears after puberty in the areas where your body typically holds onto fat – i.e. buttocks, thighs, hips, upper arms, and abdomen.

Thin skin is one factor of cellulite formation. Women naturally have thinner skin than men – one reason they are disproportionally affected by cellulite. Skin also naturally gets thinner as you age for both men and women.

The second factor of cellulite formation is an increase in the size of fat cells. As the fat cells accumulate, they press up against the skin and become visible. You might also have an increase in the number of fat cells, especially if you recently gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

The final factor is when fibrous bands that connect your skin to the muscle beneath get tighter. These bands are made of collagen, and when they tighten, they tighten irregularly. The combination of tight bands, thin skin, and an increase in fat cells create the cottage cheese-like appearance of cellulite.

What Makes Cellulite Worse

If you already have cellulite or want to prevent it from forming, you may wonder what makes cellulite worse. Here are seven situations that make cellulite more visible.


Eating fat doesn’t necessarily cause cellulite. Healthy fats like those in fish, nuts, and avocados are essential for hormone regulation.

Without healthy fats, your hormones may become imbalanced. Certain hormones – like estrogen – affect your body’s ability to hold onto collagen. So, balanced hormones are vital if you don’t want cellulite.

However, a diet full of unhealthy fats like those found in processed foods, fast food, etc. will eventually increase the number and size of your fat cells. Your body stores extra calories inside fat, and more fat cells mean an increased risk of cellulite.


Smoking cigarettes is terrible for your skin. Your skin absorbs nicotine which can lead to premature aging and thinner skin. Smoking gradually wears down the skin’s building blocks – collagen and elastin – which will make cellulite worse.

Lack of Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is more likely to result in cellulite than an active one.

When the fibrous bands that connect the muscle and the skin tighten, the result is an uneven skin surface. While you can’t get rid of cellulite with exercise, firmer muscles will make the skin appear smoother. Focus on strength training in the area affected by cellulite a couple of times a week.


Hydration is essential for skin health. Dehydrated skin is dry, flaky, and uneven in tone and texture. Drinking water makes your skin appear fuller and smoother. When you hydrate regularly, you also help your body get rid of excess fat cells which may help you reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Some people are more inclined to cellulite than others. Genetics dictate skin thickness and how your body holds onto fat. If you don’t have a lot of fat on your body, but one or both of your parents have cellulite – your risk of getting cellulite is higher.

Hormone Changes

High levels of estrogen cause the collagen in your skin to break down. Yet another reason why women are more likely to suffer from cellulite than men.

Estrogen is also responsible for arranging the fatty tissue in your body. In women, fat often accumulates in the buttocks, thighs, and hips – all areas where cellulite develops.

Skin Health

Your skin health depends on many factors – including diet and hydration. But you can make a huge difference in your skin health with a regular skincare routine. Wear sunscreen when you spend time in the sun, avoid tanning beds, and drink less alcohol to keep your skin looking smooth and fresh well into middle and old age.

How does the Venus Legacy device get rid of cellulite?

While treatments with the Venus Legacy are referred to as skin tightening, it does much more than tighten your skin. The Venus Legacy uses radiofrequency energy combined with pulsed electromagnetic fields to create a heated matrix over the surface of the skin.

The heat stimulates collagen and elastin production deep within the layers of the skin. Since the fibrous bands are made of collagen, the Venus Legacy often loosens tight bands by creating new collagen. This lessens their pull on the skin’s surface for smoother-looking skin.

Radiofrequency energy is also absorbed by the fat cells and can cause lipolysis. The fat cells in the treatment area are broken down and removed from the body to create a more even surface.

Finally, the heat tightens the skin’s surface, and the increase in collagen and elastin makes the skin temporarily thinner. Altogether, the Venus Legacy is an effective way to lessen the appearance of cellulite.

Can Venus Legacy Make Cellulite Worse?

Can Venus Legacy make cellulite worse? The answer is probably not.
The treatment is designed to increase collagen and elastin to smooth out the skin’s surface. The heat breaks down fat cells and loosens fibrous bands – all of which lead to smoother skin.

A 2017 study on the effects of radiofrequency with pulsed magnetic field therapy for abdominal cellulite proves Venus Legacy’s safety, efficacy, and ability to provide patient satisfaction.

Not only does Venus Legacy treat cellulite, but it can also be used for stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots, and other minor skin conditions.

Book at Stadia Med Spa

If you were considering Venus Legacy skin tightening at Stadia Med Spa, you should know that the treatment cannot make your cellulite worse! Clinical trials have shown the treatment is a safe and effective solution to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Still not sure if Venus Legacy is right for you? Contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation!

The post Can Venus Legacy Make Cellulite Worse? appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.

Are Dermal Fillers for Men? Thu, 25 May 2023 09:24:04 +0000 Are Dermal Fillers for Men? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Dermal fillers are an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment. Celebrities have become the unwitting poster children for fillers – their duck lips and perpetually young faces are usually the results of dermal fillers, Botox, or both. But are dermal fillers for men? In short – yes, dermal fillers […]

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Are Dermal Fillers for Men?


Dermal fillers are an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment. Celebrities have become the unwitting poster children for fillers – their duck lips and perpetually young faces are usually the results of dermal fillers, Botox, or both. But are dermal fillers for men?

In short – yes, dermal fillers are for men. They are a safe and effective treatment for anybody who wants to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, improve their facial contour, or add volume to their face. In fact, dermal fillers are one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic treatments for men.

Keep reading to learn how men can use dermal fillers and why this cosmetic treatment is increasingly popular among younger generations of men!

What are Dermal Fillers for Men?

Dermal fillers are cosmetic injectables often made from a substance called hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid creates volume in your face.

This naturally occurring substance is easily broken down by the body, which negates many of the potential side effects and risks. The injectables also contain a stabilizing substance to keep your body from breaking down the filler too soon.

While dermal fillers aren’t permanent, they can have results that last a year or more. Fillers are most often used on the lips, cheeks, chin, jawline, and cheekbones.

What Makes Men’s Skin Unique?

Men often seem to age at a different rate than women. When they are teens, they somehow seem younger than their years. Then they hit adulthood, and their look doesn’t change much until they reach their 60s and 70s.

The reality is that men’s skin has unique qualities that make their skin age slower than women’s. High levels of testosterone make their skin naturally thicker. Men also have more collagen and elastin – two essential proteins for full and healthy skin.

Of course, excessive sun exposure, smoking, a poor diet, and other lifestyle factors can level the playing field over time. But the point is that men have different needs when it comes to cosmetic skin treatments.

Dermal fillers are no exception. While the same fillers are used for men and women, the way fillers are used for men may be a bit different.

5 Ways Men Can Use Dermal Fillers

Everyone gets wrinkles when collagen production slows down after age 25, and smoothing out wrinkles is one of the top uses for fillers. But removing the signs of aging is only one way dermal fillers are used on men.

In general, men focus on creating natural changes versus hyperreal results. Duck lips are one example of hyperreal results that may make men think dermal fillers are not the right treatment for them.

Many men associate dermal fillers with wrinkles and plump lips, but those aren’t the only uses of fillers. Dermal fillers have a variety of uses, and your provider can take a more conservative approach to make your results as natural as possible.

Here are five ways men can use dermal fillers that may not have occurred to you.

Create a Stronger Jawline

Many men are self-conscious about a weak chin or undefined jawline. Fillers injected into the chin and jaw can create a stronger jaw, so you no longer have to hide your jaw behind a beard!

Improve Your Profile

Fillers can also create a more appealing and defined profile. The experienced professionals at Stadia Med Spa will evaluate your profile to see which areas could use more volume. They may add fillers to your jaw, nose, cheekbones, or forehead to create a more balanced profile overall.

Adjust the Shape of Your Nose

Sometimes, dermal fillers can temporarily provide the same results as a surgical nose job. This “nonsurgical nose job” adds to the contour and shape of your nose to get rid of humps, straighten a crooked nose, or add volume to the nasal tip.

Keep in mind that fillers always add volume. So, if you are concerned that your nose is too large or want to reshape it by taking away cartilage/fat, a more traditional nose job is still going to be your best option. But small adjustments to the shape of your nose are certainly possible with fillers.

Make Your Face More Symmetrical

Everyone has small asymmetries on their face. Maybe they have a crooked smile, or one eye seems bigger than the other. Dermal fillers are often used to correct facial asymmetries to create better overall facial aesthetics.

Get Rid of Unwanted Wrinkles

Fillers are especially effective at removing fine lines and wrinkles. They smooth the line between your eyebrows, lessen the nasal labial fold, and even reduce Crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes. But not only are fillers effective for visible facial wrinkles, but they can also improve loose wrinkled skin in the neck that causes a turkey neck.

Why Millennial Men Love Fillers

The market for cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers is growing, and the reason is not so surprising. Millennials and the generations that follow them are spending an increasing amount of time in front of a camera. Whether it’s a photo on Instagram or a video on Youtube, this generation knows exactly how they look on camera.

Dermal fillers are one of the most common cosmetic treatments among men and women in their 20s and 30s, alongside Botox and microdermabrasion.

Millennials are also one of the first generations to actively participate in preventative cosmetic treatments. They know what age does to your appearance and they are more likely to try a treatment that will prevent it.

Fillers don’t prevent your skin from aging, but if you start using them when you are young, you can avoid the appearance of wrinkles altogether.

Book at Stadia Med Spa

If you were wondering – are dermal fillers for men? – the answer is a decisive yes! Whether you want to change the shape of your nose or get a more defined jawline, dermal fillers can make a surprising difference!

Improve confidence in your appearance and get the look you’ve always wanted with dermal fillers. Contact Stadia Med Spa to schedule a free consultation today!

The post Are Dermal Fillers for Men? appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.
