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How Long Does Emsculpt NEO Last?


Emsculpt NEO is an innovative body sculpting treatment that removes unwanted fat and increases muscle strength. One treatment can result in up to a 25% increase in muscle growth and a 30% reduction in fat cells. While Emsculpt NEO is not a weight loss treatment, the increase in muscle and loss of fat can sculpt a whole new you!

For many men, Emsculpt NEO may sound too good to be true. A lot of men struggle to build muscle. They may spend years at the gym lifting weights without any visible results. Or maybe they want to lose fat from a specific area of the body that stubbornly holds onto fat no matter what they do with their diet.

Emsculpt NEO is the perfect solution for healthy men who want to lose fat and gain muscle. But how long does Emsculpt NEO last? Here are some facts about the treatment, including how long results last and a few ways you can make them last longer!

How Does EMsculpt NEO Work?

Emsculpt NEO combines radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM+) to build muscle and destroy fat cells.

HIFEM+ forces the muscles in the treatment area to contract at a rate of 20,000 contracts in one 30-minute session. The forced contractions cause hypertrophy – or an increase and growth of muscle cells.

At the same time, radiofrequency energy creates heat inside the layers of the skin. The heat permanently damages unwanted fat cells so they can be naturally removed from the body.

The treatment is straightforward, with very few side effects or risks. One treatment may be enough to help you meet your body sculpting goals, but many men need between four and six treatments to get optimal results.

How Long Does EMsculpt NEO Last?

The longevity of your Emsculpt NEO results will depend on you.

You may already know that muscles lose strength without constant use. Men who exercise consistently will see a noticeable loss of muscle tone after three weeks of inactivity. The same is true of muscle gained during Emsculpt NEO treatments.

Muscle strength and tone from Emsculpt NEO are not permanent. Men who exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet can see results that last between six months and a year. However, if you actively work the treated muscles with strength training and toning exercises, your results could last indefinitely!

On the other hand, fat loss from Emsculpt NEO is permanent. The fat cells are destroyed and permanently removed from the body. Even if you gain weight after your treatment, you should continue to see less fat in the area treated with Emsculpt NEO.

To make your Emsculpt NEO results last, you need to maintain muscle tone with regular Emsculpt treatments. Stadia Med Spa recommends three or four treatments a year. In the meantime, you can support your results with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and other lifestyle shifts.

3 Ways To Maintain Emsculpt NEO Results

Emsculpt NEO is an amazing way for men of a healthy weight to improve body contour and muscle tone. It gets rid of fat fast and can help you make dramatic changes to your appearance. However, Emsculpt NEO results are not permanent, and the treatment can be expensive.

So, if you want to maintain your results between Emsculpt NEO treatments, you need to add a few healthy lifestyle habits to your self-care routine. Here are three ways to maintain Emsculpt NEO results.

Start Weight Training

Weight training is the best way to build and maintain muscle. Not only that, but weight training increases balance, helps with weight loss, and decreases your risk of injury. When you add weight training to your exercise routine, you actively maintain any results gained during Emsculpt NEO.

The high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy from Emsculpt NEO treatments gives your body an intense workout in a short amount of time. You can’t realistically repeat the 20,000 muscle contractions in one gym session. But every time you do these exercises at the gym, you work the muscles and keep them strong and toned.

Reduce Stress

Cortisol – the stress hormone – is a catabolic substance, which means that it breaks down molecules. If you are in a constant state of fight-or-flight, it may be harder for your body to maintain muscle. Cortisol will block protein synthesis and keep you from building muscle in the first place.

Stress relief looks a bit different for everyone. However, mindfulness and meditation are both proven to reduce stress. They help ground you in the present moment and can stop the constant flood of thoughts characteristic of a stressed-out mind. 

Reducing stress before Emsculpt NEO will not only help you get better results from your treatment, it will help you maintain any muscle gain for longer!

Improve Your Diet

Your diet is a powerful tool when it comes to building muscle. High-protein foods like salmon, chicken, beans, and sweet potatoes help you build muscle. Meanwhile, processed foods like white sugar and flour, deli meat, fast food, etc may prevent you from meeting your body sculpting goals.

Processed foods contain a lot of unhealthy fats and not enough protein. Too much of it will prevent you from building muscle and interfere with your Emsculpt NEO results.

You can also use your diet to support recovery after Emsculpt NEO. Tart cherry juice, watermelon, and fatty fish support muscle recovery after strenuous exercise and can mitigate soreness after Emsculpt NEO!

Try Emsculpt NEO at Stadia Med Spa

In answer to – how long does Emsculpt NEO last – the answer is really up to you. But when you maintain your results with regular Emsculpt NEO treatments and add in healthy exercise, stress relief, and a protein-rich diet, you can prolong your results.

If you want to get rid of fat and build muscle at the same time, Emsculpt NEO is the ideal cosmetic body sculpting treatment. Contact Stadia Med Spa to schedule your free consultation to learn more about how Emsculpt NEO can benefit you!

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