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Reduce the appearance of veins & restore confidence

Spider Vein Reduction

About Spider Vein Removal

About half of all men will develop spider veins at some point in their lives. They start to emerge at the age of 30 – and these blue, red, and purple squiggly veins can deflate your confidence.

Spider veins aren’t dangerous, but they usually appear in men with poor circulation, sun-damaged skin, or who are undergoing significant hormonal changes. Many men feel self-conscious about the bulging veins and may change their lifestyle and clothing to hide the evidence on their skin. Laser therapy is one way to reduce the appearance of spider veins and, in some cases, remove them from the body completely.

Spider vein removal for men at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, uses Lutronic’s Clarity II laser for clearer, blemish-free skin. Improve your confidence for a lifetime with this minimally-invasive treatment!

Keep reading to learn more about laser spider vein removal, including how it works, its benefits, and FAQs. 

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Spider Vein Removal Before & After

What is Spider Vein Removal?

Spider vein removal is exactly what it sounds like – a treatment that gets rid of spider veins. The Clarity II laser targets the hemoglobin in your damaged veins to permanently remove them from your body. The innovative treatment is designed to treat spider veins, reticular veins, and broken capillaries.

The Clarity II laser removes spider veins by focusing on the hemoglobin. Spider veins are damaged veins where blood has pooled near the surface of the skin. When the hemoglobin absorbs heat from the laser, it collapses in on itself and releases damaged cells back into the bloodstream.

Over time, the body disposes of the damaged cells while the previously damaged area heals naturally. Laser therapy for spider veins is effective because of its versatility. The Clarity II can be adjusted to suit any skin color or type.

Your Stadia Med Spa provider can even adjust the severity of the treatment to fit your comfort level. Clarity II has several wavelength options based on a principle called selective photothermolysis. Waves are absorbed by the vein and break up the coagulated blood that forms spider veins.

The state-of-the-art technology allows your provider to target the damaged vein without affecting the surrounding tissue. Spider vein removal is safe and FDA-approved, with little to no downtime.

Spider vein treatment San Antonio Stadia for Men laser treatement

The Benefits of Spider Vein Removal

While spider veins are more common in women, men are not immune to the damage that causes veins to press up against the skin’s surface. Men typically have spider veins in their legs and feet.

Many men develop these purple, red, and blue bulging veins from jobs that require them to stand for long periods or from hormonal changes as they age. Men with a family history of spider veins are more likely to develop them.

Spider vein removal for men is effective for spider veins up to four millimeters in diameter. The treatment is non-invasive and safe, with minimal recovery. The Clarity II laser reduces the appearance of damaged veins to leave skin smooth and clear.

Spider veins are often raised above the surface of the skin and may seem to appear overnight. Clarity II effectively breaks up the hemoglobin in damaged veins. The veins release the damaged cells and shrink back beneath the skin’s surface. Over time, the appearance of spider veins, varicose veins, and broken capillaries will improve dramatically.

Results vary from person to person. For some men, it appears as though the spider veins were erased from the skin! Stadia Med Spa guarantees a significant reduction in the appearance of your spider veins.

Before, During & After

What to Expect

The first step is your free consultation.

Start your spider vein removal with a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa. One of our experienced medical professionals will examine your spider veins and design a treatment plan to get optimal results. You may need several treatments depending on the severity and size of your treatment area.

Advise your Stadia Med Spa provider about any medications, prescriptions, and herbal supplements you are currently taking. Certain anti-inflammatory medications interfere with laser spider vein removal. Always consult a primary care provider before you discontinue any prescriptions, etc.

Before Treatment

Prepare for your spider vein removal by reducing sun exposure for four weeks. Tanned or sunburnt skin can result in permanent white spots called hypopigmentation. Shave the treatment area 24 hours before your treatment, and don’t apply any topical skincare products.

During Treatment

Spider vein removal at Stadia Med Spa is quick and virtually pain-free. Your treatment will last between 5 and 30 minutes, depending on the size and severity of your veins.

Most men feel a warm, tingling sensation. Some describe it as similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin’s surface. The Clarity II laser has a built-in cooling system that cools skin after the laser is done.

After Treatment

Most men leave their treatment with little to no downtime. You should be able to return to work and play with no lingering side effects. Your skin may feel warm and sensitive – similar to a mild sunburn – for a few hours after the procedure. If you experience any discomfort, ice packs or aloe vera can provide relief.

The results of spider vein removal are instantly visible. You should see a noticeable improvement after the treatment that only improves over the next week. Stay out of the sun while the treatment area hears. Use a gentle moisturizer and wash the area gently until it heals completely.

Spider Vein Removal

Frequently Asked Questions

Spider vein removal for men at Stadia Med Spa uses the Clarity II laser. This customizable laser therapy sends heat directly into spider veins. It targets the hemoglobin in the damaged veins, causing them to collapse.

Once the damaged cells are released into the bloodstream, they are removed from the body. Stadia Med Spa can dramatically reduce the appearance of spider veins in men with any skin tone or type. 

Clarity II is designed for men with any skin type or tone. It can treat spider veins on any area of the body – from the face to the feet. Men of any age with visible spider veins are eligible for treatment with Clarity II. Before your treatment, inform your Stadia Med Spa provider about any medications or herbal supplements that could interfere with your spider vein therapy. 

Spider vein removal with Clarity II has instant results. You should see a visible difference after your treatment. However, if you don’t see dramatic results right away, don’t worry. The results will continue to improve in the week following your treatment.

Many men need more than one treatment to remove damaged blood vessels and reduce the appearance of spider veins. Stadia Med Spa may recommend between one and four sessions for optimal results. 

Clarity II laser spider vein removal is an FDA-approved treatment. The procedure is non-invasive and safe for all skin types and tones. The most common side effects are redness, swelling, irritation, and sensitivity in the treatment area.

Most side effects only last for a few hours. Contact Stadia Med Spa if symptoms continue longer than 48 hours or worsen over time. Avoid sun exposure and scrub the area gently for a few days after your treatment. 

Most men see results instantly, with dramatic improvements over the first 2 to 8 weeks. Results from your spider vein removal with Clarity II are permanent. Spider veins will not reappear after they are broken down by the laser. However, the treatment does not stop new spider veins from forming. Spider vein removal can be repeated as often as necessary to keep skin clear! 

The exact cost of your spider vein removal at Stadia Med Spa will depend on your unique skin and goals. Most men need between 2 and 4 visits to dramatically reduce spider vein appearance. A single treatment may cost between $300 and $500. Contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation and a more exact estimate for your spider vein removal. 

Contact Stadia Medical Spa

Spider vein removal for men is fast and easy with the Clarity II laser treatment at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX. The laser targets damaged cells inside the veins and breaks them up to be removed from the body naturally.

Get rid of raised and colorful veins from any area on the body and improve your confidence for a lifetime at Stadia Med Spa. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation or call 210-881-6270.

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