cellulite reduction Archives - Stadia Medical Spa for Men San Antonio's Medical Spa & Aesthetics Practice for Men Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:48:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://stadiaformen.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Stadia-Med-Spa-for-Men-San-Antonio-Logo-1-150x150.png cellulite reduction Archives - Stadia Medical Spa for Men 32 32 How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men https://stadiaformen.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite-in-men/ Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:14:39 +0000 https://stadiaformen.com/?p=6598 How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Got cellulite? Stadia for Men has a powerful cellulite treatment for men to reduce the orange peel skin condition that drives men and women crazy! Emtone is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that combines radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to target all aspects of […]

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How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men


Got cellulite? Stadia for Men has a powerful cellulite treatment for men to reduce the orange peel skin condition that drives men and women crazy!

Emtone is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that combines radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to target all aspects of cellulite formation. While Emtone is marketed toward women, men also benefit from this unique skin treatment.

A single 20-minute session can reduce cellulite visibility and improve the overall appearance of your skin. The noninvasive treatment is distinct in the world of skin rejuvenation.

Keep reading to learn more about Emtone and how it can get rid of cellulite. But also, a little about the benefits for men without cellulite who want to improve the tone and texture of their skin! 

Cellulite Treatment for Men

Emtone combines radiofrequency energy and targeted mechanical pressure to get rid of cellulite. Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a common type of energy used to improve skin health. RF heats up the skin to a specific temperature to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.

Meanwhile, the targeted mechanical pressure vibrates the treatment area to break down the connective tissue fibers that lead to cellulite’s dimpled appearance. Most men tolerate the treatment, with many even comparing it to a vibrating deep-tissue massage.

Emtone is clinically proven to reduce cellulite’s appearance and improve skin texture – and it all starts with collagen. 

Collagen and Cellulite

Collagen is a skin protein that creates structure, strength, and stretch in your skin. The connective tissue fibers that connect muscle and skin are made of collagen. When these fibers weaken or stretch, the fat cells press up against the skin’s surface and create the dimpled or lumpy appearance of cellulite.

The quality and quantity of collagen in your skin both influence cellulite development. Men typically have more collagen in their skin than women, so they are less likely to get cellulite. However, smoking, excessive drinking, sun exposure, a poor diet, and lack of exercise might still cause cellulite to appear.

Collagen is also an essential component for skin elasticity. Loss of collagen with age and other factors can create a lack of skin firmness and tone, which exacerbates cellulite’s appearance. Because of collagen’s role in cellulite formation, treatments like Emtone that target collagen production can help improve its appearance.

Emtone uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and mechanical pressure to stimulate collagen production and remodeling. By increasing collagen, Emtone improves skin texture and tone, reduces fat cell visibility, and strengthens the connective tissue – dramatically lessening the appearance of cellulite! 

Is Cellulite Caused by Fat?

While cellulite typically forms in areas with a higher concentration of fat, this common skin condition can also appear in men and women with low levels of body fat.

Genetics, hormone changes, poor circulation, and weak collagen fibers all contribute to cellulite formation.

Cellulite is not caused by fat, but excess body fat worsens the appearance of cellulite. An effective cellulite treatment should address the underlying fat deposits and integrity of the skin. Emtone targets fat deposits and stimulates collagen production to reduce the cottage-cheese appearance of cellulite. 

Does Emtone Only Treat Cellulite?

Since less than 10% of men get cellulite, you might wonder about Emtone’s other benefits. Aside from reducing the appearance of cellulite, Emtone can increase circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and increase collagen production.

Keep reading to learn more about how these benefits improve the overall texture and appearance of your skin. 

Increase Circulation

One of the ways Emtone benefits skin texture is by increasing circulation. Both radiofrequency energy and targeted mechanical pressure help to improve blood flow and microcirculation.

Radiofrequency energy revitalizes blood vessels, which leads to vasodilation and increases blood flow to the treatment area. Increased circulation means more oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells pass through the treatment area.

Emtone supports your body’s natural healing processes and refreshes the skin. Better circulation may also reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and enhance skin health and appearance. 

Improve Lymphatic Drainage

In addition to increased circulation, Emtone can improve lymphatic drainage because radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy stimulate lymphatic flow.

The lymph system is part of your body’s natural disposal systems. It removes waste, toxins, and excess fluid from the body. While Emtone isn’t made to assist in lymphatic drainage, the combination of energies does enhance lymph fluid movement to reduce fluid retention and support detoxification. 

Increase Collagen Production

Not only does Emtone break down the collagen in the connective tissues, but it increases collagen production. The treatment creates new collagen fibers and remodels existing collagen. Over time, the treatment creates firmer and tighter skin.

For optimal results, Stadia fortMed Spa recommends multiple Emtone sessions. The exact number of sessions will depend on your unique skin needs and treatment goals. 

Why Choose Emtone for Cellulite

Many cellulite treatments involve more invasive procedures with many potential side effects and a long recovery. Emtone is a noninvasive alternative to reduce cellulite’s appearance that doesn’t involve anesthetic, incisions, or injections.

The device is safe for many different areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms, and the intensity can be adjusted to suit your comfort levels.

Of course, Emtone is not meant as a standalone cellulite treatment. Patients with a healthy diet and exercise routine typically experience better, longer-lasting results from Emtone treatments.

Unfortunately, Emtone is not a permanent cellulite solution, and most men see Emtone results that last between three and twelve months. Stadia Med Spa recommends two to four treatments a year to maintain skin smoothness. Read more about cellulite reduction at https://www.stadiamedspa.com/emtone-cellulite-reduction/.

Book at Stadia for Men in San Antonio

Emtone is a powerful cellulite treatment for men and women. It targets all aspects of cellulite formation to leave your skin smooth and even.
In addition to reducing the appearance of cellulite, Emtone increases circulation, lymphatic drainage, and collagen production for healthy skin.

Contact Stadia for Men to learn about Emtone, or schedule a free consultation! One of our experienced professionals will meet with you to discuss your skin care needs and let you know if Emtone is the right treatment for you! 

The post How to Get Rid of Cellulite in Men appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.

Do Men Get Cellulite? Yes. Here’s why. https://stadiaformen.com/do-men-get-cellulite/ Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:29:14 +0000 https://stadiaformen.com/?p=6590 Emtone: Is Men’s Skincare Different than Women’s? Facebook Twitter LinkedIn It may surprise you to know that men’s skin is different than women’s. The products designed for men’s skin vary in more than their marketing. The male sex hormone testosterone creates an entirely unique skin composition that requires different strategies to support. For one, men […]

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Emtone for Male Cellulite vs Women


It may surprise you to know that men’s skin is different than women’s. The products designed for men’s skin vary in more than their marketing.

The hormone testosterone in men creates an entirely unique skin composition that requires different strategies to support. For one, men tend to have thicker, oily skin with more collagen. Lotions for men tend to focus less on collagen production and more on managing the excess oil and large pores.

Men also shave their faces, which can lead to razor burn and bumps on sensitive skin. Shaving may also cause painful ingrown hairs.

The skin conditions that affect men are also different from women. Men are less likely to get cellulite, although some men still do.

For those men who are seeing an increase in cellulite, Emtone is the only treatment on the market that combines radiofrequency energy with targeted pressure to reduce cellulite’s appearance.

Keep reading to learn more about the difference between men’s and women’s skin, including why Emtone is the best cellulite treatment for men. 

Main Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Skin

Is men’s skincare different than women’s? Absolutely, because their skin composition and hair growth cause distinct problems that can only be treated when you understand the differences between men’s and women’s skin.

Here are a few ways in which men’s skin is different than women’s, especially when it comes to cellulite formation.

  • Thick Skin: Men have naturally thicker skin than women because of the high testosterone levels in their bodies. They are also more likely to have oily, acne-prone skin because they produce large amounts of sebum.
  • Connective Tissue: The connective tissue in men’s bodies that attach muscle and skin forms a crisscross structure that prevents fat cells from pressing against the skin’s surface. Women’s connective tissue goes straight up and down, which is another reason they are more likely to develop cellulite than men.
  • Collagen Loss: Collagen production naturally slows down as you age, which causes the skin to get thinner for both sexes. For men, collagen loss usually becomes obvious around the age of 40.
  • Men also tend to spend more time outdoors, which makes skin age faster. Since UVA and UVB rays from the sun break down the collagen in your skin, the more time you spend in the sun, the faster your skin will age. Men are less likely than women to wear sunscreen every day (18% of men to 42% of women).
  • Fat Storage and Loss: Women are more likely to store fat cells in the buttocks and thighs (common areas for cellulite formation), while men typically store fat in the abdomen and upper body.
  • Men tend to lose fat more easily with calorie restriction. High levels of testosterone make it easier for them to create visible muscle growth. So, men might have an easier time reducing cellulite visibility with diet and exercise. 

Is Emtone for Men?

Many men may suffer from the misconception that Emtone is only a treatment for women. Only about 10% of men get cellulite and Emtone is a non-invasive treatment for cellulite reduction – so it makes sense that most men might not even consider booking an Emtone treatment.

However, men still suffer from damaged connective tissue and thin skin, which are two of the main contributors to cellulite.

Emtone uses radiofrequency energy and targeted pressure to break down cellulite. In a treatment that feels like a vibrating deep tissue massage, the device breaks up subcutaneous fat cells and loosens the fibrous bands that connect skin and muscle. It also increases collagen production to create smoother-looking skin overall.

So, for 10% of men with cellulite, Emtone is the optimal solution for cellulite reduction. 

Causes of Men’s Cellulite

Men’s high levels of testosterone are ultimately responsible for preventing cellulite formation. When the female sex hormone – estrogen – is out of balance, it can lead to a lack of circulation in the connective tissue and an increase in the size of fat cells. Meanwhile, testosterone creates thicker skin with more collagen to keep cellulite at bay.

However, certain factors can lead to cellulite, regardless of gender. Smoking, excessive drinking, and certain medications (like steroids) all contribute to cellulite formation.

The main factors that contribute to cellulite formation are:

  • Age
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Exercise frequency
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Certain medications

Because skincare companies tend to focus more on women, men’s skincare is often overlooked. Emtone is one solution to improve skin texture and tone for men with cellulite or who simply want smoother, healthier-looking skin. 

Is Emtone Useful for Other Skin Conditions?

The radiofrequency energy and targeted pressure work together in a unique therapy that no other skin treatment can match. Emtone breaks up the fat cells and fibrous bands beneath the skin’s surface. At the same time, it increases collagen production to create thicker, healthier-looking skin.

Emtone is specifically designed for cellulite. However, it can be beneficial for other skin conditions. The radiofrequency gets rid of minor lines and wrinkles and tightens sagging skin in the treatment area. New collagen production will even reduce the appearance of scars, sun damage, and spots.

If you are unsure if Emtone is the best treatment for your skincare goals, contact Stadia Med Spa for a free consultation. 

Is Men’s Skincare Different than Women’s?

Yes! The different composition of men’s skin makes men’s skincare distinct. Emtone is designed to treat cellulite, so men with cellulite should consider adding it to their skincare routine. The treatment is also beneficial for men who want to see tighter, more even skin.

Men with cellulite will need between four and six treatments with Emtone. Results will improve over the first few months after your treatment and can last several months to more than a year. 

Book at Stadia Med Spa

Is men’s skincare different than women’s in regards to cellulite? No, Emtone is the best treatment for men and women who want to lessen the appearance of cellulite.

Stadia Med Spa offers several treatments for men to improve their skin texture and tone. Before you book, schedule a free consultation to learn more about Emtone and see if it’s the right treatment for you! 

The post Do Men Get Cellulite? Yes. Here’s why. appeared first on Stadia Medical Spa for Men.
